EA for Grant County Solar

October 30th, 2020

The Environmental Assessment for Grant County Solar is out.

The PSC staff has issued the “Preliminary Determination” letter, saying that there’s no need for an EIS, no significant impact. Right… Read it here:

AND, you have to request a copy of the Environmental Assessment, so JUST DO IT!! From the Preliminary Determination letter:

Copies of the EA are available upon request, either in electronic or paper format (for a paper copy, an address must be provided). Requests for a copy of the EA should be made to Adam Ingwell at the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin by telephone at (608) 267-9197, by email at adam.ingwell@wisconsin.gov or by regular mail directed to the Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 7854, Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7854.

Comments are due on November 16, 2020, including specifics about potential impacts AND be sure to include a request for EIS and explain why:

Comments on the finding of no significant impact for this proposed project should be made to Adam Ingwell at the address above, by email at adam.ingwell@wisconsin.gov or via the Commission’s website at where you can go to the “e-services” tab toward the top of the webpage, then click “file a comment” on the left hand side of the page, then locate docket 9804-CE-100.

All comments must be received by Monday, November 16, 2020.

Under Wisconsin law, no environmental review is required… really! Wis. PSC Code 4.10. And as with wind in Minnesota, Wisconsin has no solar siting rules.

They’ve gotten the message that environmental review is necessary, but it’s only an Environmental Assessment. Wis. Stat. 1.11(2)(c). The scope, breadth, and process of an Environmental Assessment is limited. Wis. Admin. Code PSC 4.20(2)(f).

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