Toadies on parade for IGCC

July 17th, 2007

Yeah, I’d have that expression too if I had to hop to the IGCC drum when it’s going down in flames everywhere we look.


IGCC toadies on parade in Delaware

The Conoco-Phillips dog & pony show is here in Delaware tomorrow, speaking of IGCC toadies. Y’all ought to know by now that Conoco Phillips is the leader of the pack in IGCC technology and promotion — a vested interest to say the least. So far, the lineup for the Delaware dog & pony is:

* Jim Mulva, chairman and CEO, ConocoPhillips
* Lou Burke, manager, Biofuels, ConocoPhillips
* Jim Wolfe, president and CEO, Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
* John Hughes, secretary, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
* William P. Mortimer, leader, Enterprise New Business Development, W.L. Gore & Associates

(in case you’re bored, click here for a bunch of recent Conoco Phillips SEC filings!)

So where is this meeting?

Conoco Phillips Conversation on Energy

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

5:30 p.m Registration

6:00-7:30 p.m. Meeting

Arsht Hall

U of Delaware, Wilmington Campus

2600 Pensylvania Ave, Wilmington


And of course there’s all the pre-meeting meetings and post-meeting meetings… one of the “pre-meeting meetings” is at the Tri-State Bird Rescue, where they take the oil covered birds who were caught in an oil spill… ahem…

Here’s their blurb to entice the unwitting to sign up as partners:

Conoco Phillips – Partnership in Conversation on Energy

What Delaware groups are sponsoring this? I’ve heard that two specifically said “NO WAY, JOSE!” And now a third… and you’ll note the names are not stellar. They’re not enviro groups, although we’ve got to keep in mind that there’s not a heck of a lot going on in Delaware — it’s a small state, really small!


IGCC toadies on parade in Pierre, SD

Oh, speaking of toadies, and speaking of Conversation on Energy, in Rochester, good ol’ Mike Gergerson was at the one in Rochester. I noticed his name in a few places recently, not only the Great Plains Institute and their Coal Work Group, but in other documents under different names, i.e., Stability Consulting, or HPC:

Mike Gregerson/Stability Consulting on Mesaba Service List

Mike Gregerson’s C.V.

This is the link to HPC. But here’s the funny one — utterly hilarious — it’s the spreadsheet that Ron Gustafson did of the IRR’s records of how Excelsior Energy spent $11.5 million of Minnesota’s money.

IRR $$$ to Excelsior

Scan through this and find Stability Consulting.

Let’s see, Gregorson is on the Excelsior dole… and he’s promoting IGCC and following me around the country to IGCC conferences, and now he’s on the agenda for an IGCC sales pitch in Pierre, SD:

Clean Energy briefing set for Pierre

What will they hear in Pierre? Click & scroll to #5

And with none other than Beth Soholt, Wind on the Wires… or is it Izaak Walton League… IGCC toadies all — who can forget Bill Grant’s presentation promoting IGCC on Valentine’s Day in Grand Rapids? This presentation establishes the Izaak Walton League’s toadism for IGCC beyond a reasonable doubt (the criminal standard is appropriate, as promoting IGCC, given its record, is criminal)

Bill Grant – Sawmill – Energy Efficiency and Climate Friendly Power Supply

Anyway, let’s keep an eye on Gregerson and all those putting $$$ into his wallet. Pay attention to how he represents himself and who he says he’s representing!

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