Today is the SE Minnesota Zone Transmission Plan meeting.

TONIGHT – 7:00 p.m.
Rochester Public Utilities
4000 E. River Road N.E.

They’ll be talking about SE region projects, including new transmission and upgrades.

What’s scary is they’ll also be talking about CapX 2020, the transmission owners’ dream.

The Capx 2020 report was to be released yesterday, but it’s not on their website. The interim report is, so you can read that while you’re cooling your heels.

And now, a couple hours after I first posted this, here’s the final CapX 2020 report!!! CHECK P. 7, it shows 16,712 MW in the MISO queue, and they’re doing a chicken little over “needing” 6,500MW in the same area? Um…. we’re a bit ahead of the game, even with liberal discounts for peaking and intermittent generation! We are not going to freeze in the dark in an incubator without a job, that much is clear.

Come on over to Rochester and let the Minnesota Transmission Owners know what you think of their plans. Learn what they’ve got in mind for your neighborhood.

… and people wonder why Costa Rica is starting to look inviting…

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