I’m an attorney licensed in the state of Minnesota for over 26 years now and for the last 23, working nearly exclusively on utility regulatory issues with clients directly affected by utility infrastructure and policy.  This work includes a full range of approaches, from intervention and participation in administrative proceedings, legal forays in Minnesota District, Appellate and the Supreme Courts, legislative advocacy, and media and publicity.

I’m also quite involved in local issues here in Red Wing and Goodhue County, sometimes representing clients, sometimes weighing in because it’s important, ranging from the misguided “Recall City Hall” effort; to the equally misguided failure of the Ash Mine; consent for refugee resettlement, and things nuclear.

Before law, I had too many years of “character building experiences” ranging from ~12 years of over-the-road trucking (paid off in Northland Ins Co v Bennett, new insurance law in Minnesota implying a lease to extend insurance coverage for the truck that pushed my client off the road) mixed with some dispatch and safety management; grill cook at a collective cafe; concert and on-air sound tech and radio programmer; hack saxophone player in multiple horn sections; hospital station clerk; and even credit and collections wringing money out of musicians.  It’s been a long strange trip, but that gamut of experience provided a broad range of knowledge that pays off.

This site is my outlet (I’ll probably never get those books written) and archive of projects I’ve worked on, a repository of necessary and useless information, and quite a bit about issues that I care about personally and professionally.  All opinions and any errors are mine, and mine alone — if you see something that needs correcting, do let me know!

As for threats, just don’t. I do keep a file and report all info to law enforcement.

My office info:

Carol A. Overland
Overland Law Office
1110 West Avenue
Red Wing, MN   55066

email: overland [at] legalectric.org

For project specific information, search name of project here on Legalectric, i.e., Grant County Solar, Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission, Badger Hollow Solar, Freeborn Wind, Plains & Eastern Transmission, Mesaba Project, Bent Tree, and also see www.not-so-great-northern-transmission-line.org for info on the “Great Northern Transmission Line” and www.nocapx2020.info for info on the CapX 2020, Badger Coulee, and MVP projects such as ITC’s MN/IA MVP 3 and ATC/ITC/DPC’s Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission projects.

See also Alan Muller’s page and his Green Delaware for Delaware issues.

9 Responses to “About & Contact Info”

  1. Mr. Sumner Crosby Says:

    Dear Carol,
    Thanks for doing what you’re doing! I have just gotten involved with an advocacy group in Delaware that is trying to understand all of the details associated with a choice before DE’s Public Services Commission right now. They want to bring 600 MW of new power online, and put out an RFP– received three: one new 600 MW natural gas plant, one new 600 MW IGCC plant, to be sited on a “brownfield” (somewhere within the existing company’s footprint of their other coal-fired burners known collectively as the Indian River Power Plant in Millsboro, DE, and third: 600 MW of wind, to be placed 6 miles off the Delaware shore, in the Atlantic Ocean.
    I have a pretty good idea about which of these three you (or most other citizens) would choose; but I want to make our arguments against IGCC rock solid. Can you provide me some sort of “roadmap” through the great volume of material that you have here, to help me get to the deal-killers for a PSC considering IGCC? I’d love to raise the questions of cost that you lay out; though, as our site is a “brownfield”, we may not be able to rely on your estimates (I have the sense this is a “greenfield” facility at Mesaba).
    We would ideally like to put together a comparative analysis of impacts, costs/benefits for each of the three proposals. Any figures or information that you have, or could point me toward, would be greatly appreciated.

    I can be reached by email: sumcrosby@verizon.net
    or by phone: eves: 610-380-5942, cell: 302-547-4132

    I look forward to learning as much as possible from you! We all need to work together to fight this very essential fight!

  2. Ed Anderson Says:


    How are you? Haven’t heard for awhile. Kristen and I (and kids) are still in New Zealand, but last weekend we drove by a Geothermal energy facility and thought of you and the Micheletti’s. We decided that when Mesaba fails, Tom, Pat and Julie could do a geothermal project next as they are closer to Hades than anyone else I personally know.


  3. Dennis Dunbar Says:

    Dear Carol,

    A proposed coal gasification power plant and refinery on the pristine coast of Maine has a lot of folks here concerned. We’d like to think our legislators, who just vote for a Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, would be focusing on mandatory carbon capture and sequestration requirements. Do you “90% carbon capture” requirement on new coal plants? Could you send an electronic copy? It would be most helpful.

    Dennis Dunbar
    Westport Island Maine

  4. Pat Moran Says:

    Please call to discuss the Great River Energy/ wetland issues that we discussed earlier this year. Cell 800-630-8832
    Office 800-726-8050
    Home 218-363-2751
    The situation is not improving and it looks as if the power company is going to prevail

  5. Austin Puglisi Says:

    Thank you so much for the work you are doing and your recent article! We could really use someone like you out here in California. Lots of greenwashing (portrayign a dirty project as good for the environment to get it approved). The State recently approved the “Sunrise Powerlink” transmission line as a “renewables” project transmission line even though PG&E refused to put in writing that it would carry any renewable energy. We are aslo fighting the LADWP who wants to build “Green Path North” through two Nature Preserves and miles of virgin desert canyons and mesas to tap into proposed solar & wind farms in the desert. Don’t worry about the largest herd of bighorn sheep in Joshua Tree National Park. Don’t worry about the desert tortoises who rarely survive relocation. Don’t worry about the economic effect on an area dependent on a tourism economy. It’s “green.”

    (Anyone who wants more info can check out a couple of good websites: cadeserco.org & stopgreenpath.com)

  6. Mary Jo Says:

    hey,hey,hey, now that’s a truck for road-tripping and transmission fact checking? Have you been busy or what? Really interesting stuff! We have to catch up sometime soon. Lots happening 😉

  7. Liz Says:

    Hello Carol,

    You have no idea how much your services and your passion mean to my family. Thank your for your crusade and for sharing your gifts.

    When the going was getting rough, you stepped in to help. We are forever in your debt regardless of outcomes. Potato Lake loves you.

  8. Jeanne & Joel Pumper/Northfield Says:

    Thanks Carol, for being on top of the Rice County Wind Project. I am a rural resident that would be directly affected by the project as its estimated placement is 1452 feet from our home. We are pro alternative energy but have major concerns with the set backs of this project of which include negative health repercussions, property value decline, wildlife and habitat concerns, and most importantly the infringement on our rural paradise. And we are not alone. The group of neighbors it will affect have been brainstorming and have plans of action of which involve attendence at the county meeting, however a weight was lifted when I learned of your proactive approach and forwarding of materials. Thank you, thank you!

  9. Bob Tammen Says:

    Hi Carol,
    Thanks for recognizing Pat’s passing. She was with it right till the end and always my number one partner.
    Tell Alan I still remember when he motivated me to testify against Saxhaug’s bill to weaken fugitive emissions. Alan had technical information and I testified that I went to the funerals on the Range. After the hearing Senator Saxhaug called me a bastard so I know Alan and I did the right thing.–Bob T

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