Campaign Finance Rulemaking Comments due Sept 22!
July 26th, 2023
Hot off the press from Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, a notice of rulemaking. Here’s the pdf of the Notice – it’s very intense and detailed, a lot crammed into four pages:
Comments are due by September 22, 2023. Send to:
Andrew Olson (
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
190 Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
And the email from Campaign Finance:
To: Interested members of the public
The Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board is considering adopting, amending, and repealing administrative rules concerning campaign finance regulation and reporting, lobbyist regulation and reporting, and audits and investigations. The Board may consider other rule topics that arise during the rulemaking process. A copy of the Board’s Request for Comments, published today in the State Register, is available at
Three Board members will serve on a subcommittee that will work with staff to develop the proposed rule language. The subcommittee meetings will be open to the public and interested parties will have the opportunity to comment on the proposed rule topics and language. Information related to the rulemaking, including how to comment, how to sign up for the rulemaking notice list, the dates of upcoming subcommittee meetings, copies of official documents, and draft rules when they are ready, will be posted on the Board’s rulemaking docket webpage at
You are currently subscribed to the Board’s rulemaking notice list. If you no longer wish to receive notices regarding the Board’s rulemaking efforts, please reply to this email or unsubscribe using the form on the Board’s rulemaking docket webpage linked above. Please contact me with any questions or concerns related to rulemaking.

Andrew Olson
Legal/Management Analyst
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