AWEA, American Wind Energy Ass, is sending out emails, have activated their legislative crew, to support the Wall Street bailout. HOW DARE THEY! NO WALL STREET BAILOUT.  They’re rolling around in shit with the pigs. Unacceptable, utterly unacceptable.  It’s H.R. 1424, and they don’t even send a link to actual language, which also includes perks for coal, perks for COAL GASIFICATION, I mean really, HOW DARE THEY!!!!

Call your Representative today and tell them to JUST SAY NO TO H.F. 1424!!!


Here’s what AWEA said — it was sent by Bree Raum, her email is and call them at 202-383-2500. Legislative is “3” but that was “not a valid option” when I tried, and I hit “O” and was transferred to legislative and left a message. Go to the top – Randy Swisher, Exec. Dir., and Greg Wetstone, Governmental and Public Affairs don’t have emails listed and are both screened through 202-383-2557. Given their other emails that are listed, try and…

AWEA Action Alert: Senate Passes PTC Extension. House to Vote Tomorrow. Contact your Representatives!
Urge Your Representative to Vote ‘Yes’ on the Economic Stabilization Bill which includes the Production Tax Credit (PTC) Extension.

Take Action!

Last night, the Senate passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, H.R. 1424, containing a one-year extension of the crucial wind energy Production Tax Credit (PTC) through December 31, 2009. The bill also would create a new investment tax credit for purchases of small wind systems used to power homes, farms and small businesses.

Next, the bill must be approved by the full House of Representatives in a vote to follow. The House is likely to vote late today or tomorrow on the Senate package. Your voices are crucial in order to clear this final hurdle before Congress adjourns. This vote is the last opportunity this year for Congress to extend the PTC.
Wind energy is not only a significant component of the global warming solution, but also a powerful engine in the U.S. economy. Since January 2007, more than 40 wind industry manufacturing facilities have been announced, brought online, or expanded in the U.S., creating over 9,000 jobs and $1 billion in manufacturing investment. When the PTC has lapsed in the past, wind energy investments have fallen 73-93% in the following years. We cannot allow this bright spot in our economy to burn out.

We need your help in ensuring that the House will support and PASS the Senate package that was approved last night. Please contact your Representative and urge him or her to vote ‘Yes’ on the Economic Stabilization Bill, H.R. 1424.

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