Public Hearing – Sturtevant, Pine & Prairia redo
February 7th, 2022

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14 @ 6 p.m.
To participate, it’s a phone-in hearing, so call:
Access code 2558 753 4771 and password 2022
You can watch on Channel 6.
I’ve looked all over the City site and can’t find a one-stop link for proposed project info so I did call Jay Owens, the City Engineer (651-764-3336) and gave him a piece of my mind, because the City’s way of handling it is to put it in the Council packet which isn’t released until THURSDAY! Here’s a hint, Red Wing, it needs to be HERE, at CONSTRUCTION & PLANNING PROJECTS!
Releasing the Council packet on THURSDAY for a Monday meeting, with Public Hearing info buried in there? EH? A few days notice with info hidden in a Council packet is inadequate, not OK, nope, that is not “transparent,” is too short a timeline for folks, and not encouraging public participation.
Oh well, here’s some info from the January 20 public meeting and emails since, what I do have is above, the map, and the list of assessment charges and itemization of charges below. Jay says he will see if he can get info up on the City site. Here’s a pdf of the project map:
After being postponed for two years, it looks like this spring they will, yes, they really will, rip up Sturtevant Street, from West Avenue to Prairia Street; Pine Street from Sturtevant Street to Putnam Avenue; and Prairia Street from Sturtevant to Putnam. The map above shows the affected properties and assessments.
Here’s a spreadsheet of assessments and cost info used for calculation of the assessments:
Will your service to and from street to house need work? Now’s the time, and the City only takes it to the sidewalk, and to the house is our responsibility. Sewer updates needed to your house? To schedule free check of your sewer contact Steve Thoms 651-385-3680, (651) 380-0470, or
$6,000-plus is a bundle of cash. We can pay it when assessed (won’t be assessed until the project is complete), or we can pay it on installments added to our property taxes — the rate is something like 4 or 4.5% (I can’t find my notes on that — we were told at the Public Meeting in January that the rate was 7%, usurious in my mind, so I called about that, and found that it’s not.). If questions about the installment plan, call Marshall Hallock, 651-385-3602.
Next step, the public hearing on February 14, 2022 @ 6 p.m.
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