Missives on Big Stone II

January 20th, 2007


Some interesting things on the wire about Big Stone. You remember Big Stone, don’t you, that big ol’ coal plant just on the other side of the border supposedly to serve some MN coops and municipal utilities (so prove to me, coops and munis, that this plant will even get to your service territory, that it will fulfill your particularized need):

Letter from Mark Rolfes – semi-annual Report to SD PUC

Revised Plant Water Mass Balance
Revised Plant Site DrawingÂ

For all the BS Documents, CLICK HERE!Â

The letter from Mark Rolfes is by far the most interesting one. It starts out with a big bang — he says that many of the contracts have lapsed, and must be “refreshed.” Contracts on a few little things like boiler, turbine, those really pricey things, and this is the project that had said last summer that they’d experienced a 60% cost increase. And so now how much more will it go up? And will they even be able to get contracts — and if so, delivery when? They’ve pushed back the construction start date, they’ve pushed back the completion date, and their credit rating took a hit recently. I’m starting to think, hope, that maybe, like Excelsior’s Mesaba coal gasification project, this just won’t happen!

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