UPDATE: It’s over… the Senate Rules committee let it go to the floor…

So this morning, SF 1735 was up before the Senate Rules committee.  It was “late” and so Sen. John Marty brought it to Rules with a Motion to suspend the rules and let it go to the floor, late as it was.  And that passed, and so now it is going on to the Senate floor.

Unbelievable… SHAME on Sen. John Marty and the Senate Energy Committee for ramming this through despite all those testifying against it.  SHAME on the Rules committee for letting this bill go through.  SHAME on all those funded “environmental” groups who sat through watching this happen, sat there silently.  SHAME on Bill Grant, now Deputy Commissioner of Commerce, f/k/a Ass. Director of Izaak Walton League, for shepherding this through.


Again, this may be the last meaningful opportunity to influence S.F. 1735.  Suggestions:

Senate Rules and Administration Committee emails: sen.michelle.fischbach@senate.mn, sen.warren.limmer@senate.mn, sen.scott.newman@senate.mn, sen.paul.gazelka@senate.mn, sen.jim.metzen@senate.mn, sen.rod.skoe@senate.mn (Committee page for links to those who use “contact” forms, CLICK HERE).  Chair, Tom Bakk, 651-296-8881

Call/Email Sen. John Marty asking him to WITHDRAW S.F 1735, the Xcel deregulation bill, but act to defend the Community Solar Garden law: (651) 296-5645, jmarty@senate.mn







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