Overland intervenes in NSP/Xcel Rate Case
December 24th, 2021
A little holiday gift for my good friends at NSP/Xcel Energy:
The issues I’m concerned about, at this point, are primarily transmission related:
This should be intense, guaranteed, but fun, eh?
WI PSC – Cardinal-Hickory Creek on agenda TODAY
July 29th, 2021
Today, starting at 10:30, the Wisconsin PSC meeting is on, and last on the agenda, #15, is the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line. They will be deciding whether they will interfere in judicial review of their C-HC order and make that moot by rescinding the order, and then, whether they will immediately RE-ORDER as the utilities want. Regulatory capture much?
Tune in early, because last time they ran through 40 items in 5-6 minutes!
To listen to meeting (whatever happened to the webcast?) go HERE: https://apps.psc.wi.gov/APPS/eventscalendar/broadcast/livebroadcast.aspx
To check out all the filings in this docket, go HERE! Some very interesting and highly recommended comments were filed over the last month.
If you’re curious or upset that there is no longer video livestreamed, contact PSC Helpdesk at (608) 267-9195 or email at PSCHelpdesk@wisconsin.gov
PPSA Annual Hearing NOW
November 20th, 2020
RIGHT NOW! It’s the PPSA Annual Hearing… sigh… here we go again.
Go to webex, Event # 146 311 2620. The powerpoint slides will be here (and will also be filed on eDockets).
To be able to comment, you have to get on the phone 866-609-6127, Conference ID: 4449079, and to comment, you need to press #1 and get in queue.
Here is the Commerce info about this year’s projects:
And for the record, folks, note that wind is not exempt from many of the parts of the PPSA:
Supplement EIS! Just do it!
June 1st, 2019
On Tuesday, Jewell Jinkins Intervenors had filed a Motion to Supplement the EIS in the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line project.
Neither the applicants nor the PSC were enamored with the idea. Here are their responses, filed yesterday:
In short, they say ALJ has no authority to order a Supplement to the EIS, and that anyway, this route idea is not new, is not substantial. Oh, really? And to suggest that we wait, WAIT, until briefing! Wait until the hearing is OVER, to argue that the EIS is inadequate? Oh, right, that’ll go real far. And of course, then it’s not “new,” is it!
We have a status conferenc on June 13, 2019 at the PSC to deal with whatever is left hanging before the following week’s hearing. We’ll see how that goes.
DEIS for Cardinal-Hickory Creek
March 28th, 2019
Comments are due Sunday, April 14, 2019 (11:59!):
Here’s the DEIS in full:
Note the “need” section beginning on p. 49. It’s dependent on MISO — yes, that MISO, the one that blessed the so dramatically overstated “need” for the CapX 2020 build-out… the MISO that claims “need” when its LMP Coutour map is nearly always a bright or dark blue! The MISO that is all about “market” which has nothing to do with “need.” This section takes it back to “Upper Midwest Transmission Development Initiative” (hard to tell their mission, eh? But we know it was all about coal). If they’re going to go back to the history of this big transmission build-out, methinks that, particularly in Wisconsin, they should go back to the Wisconsin Reliability Assessment Organization (WRAO) Report that laid out the wish list of the transmission build-out.
Now, head to p. 80, Section 3.9, entitled “Applicants’ Alternatives to the Proposed Project.” This section presents ONLY the APPLICANTS’ alternatives, they get to determine what is or is not an alternatives, the parameters. Show me where it says in the WI statutes or rules that it only the APPLICANTS’ choice of alternatives to be considered?
Folks, we’ve got a lot of work to do…