Hiawatha Transmission Project Update
June 2nd, 2009
Xcel’s Hiawatha Transmission Project, through the heart of the Phillips neighborhood in Minneapolis, was on the PUC’s agenda last Thursday. I had some deadline or other and couldn’t go, but here’s what happened:
Of course MOES thought everything was just ducky…
Midtown Greenway filed a Comment:
There was no Petition for a Contested Case filed, but a Contested Case was ordered because Xcel has taken the mandatory Contested Case route. There were no Petitions to Intervene… There was only ONE comment filed…
Here’s the PUC’s Order:
Here’s the Dept. of Commerce’s view of Scoping for the full-blown Environmental Impact Statement:
So there we are… Bill Storm of MOES is assuming that it’s an EIS we’re doing, that’s a good thing. Check the DRAFT scope, though, and note how narrow it is.
There’s a public meeting for scoping (hmmmm… I wonder if I got notice… $50 says no — Bill says yes, and where’s the $50, but, “It would be WRONG,” she says, speaking into the lampshade…):
DOE-MOES – Notice of EIS Scoping Meeting
Thursday, June 18, 2009 – 6:oo p.m.
Midtown Global Market
920 East Lake St.
Mpls, MN
Comments accepted until July 10, 2009
Send to:
Bill Storm, Project Manager
MN Dept of Commerce
85 – 7th Place East, Suite 500
St. Paul, MN 55101
OK, folks, get to work!
- Now’s the time to read the application (Xcel’s Hiawatha Project Page HERE) and draft a Comment about what should be included in the EIS.
- Now’s the time to put in your requests to be on the Citizens Advisory Task Force
- Now’s the time to Petition to Intervene! (well, it’s not to late… YET…)
Xcel transmission — Opposition anyone???
January 27th, 2009
Poor Xcel, getting picked on… a City of Minneapolis resolution to delay the route application for the Hiawatha Project transmission line, and a unanimous preference for undergrounding if it should be built. SNORT!
LET’S SEE THE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS LOAD SERVING STUDY (which the Hiawatha Project is supposedly based on) and the SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS ELECTRIC RELIABILITY PROJECT STUDY which is shooting in a 345kV line from Hwy. 280 to the new Hiawatha substation… “100 MW need” my ass…
Here are 16 questions posed by Midtown Greenway to Xcel and 9 answers:
Piecing together studies found on line, here’s what I think Xcel is up to:
Take your transmission line and go home, Xcel…
Xcel’s Hiawatha Project sent to Committee
January 10th, 2009
Well this is interesting… to put it mildly… Xcel’s Hiawatha Project, transmission through Phillips, is in the news.
A move to “delay its application… until it provides a more thorough analysis of the need an alternatives” and that if line is “needed,” to bury it under 28th Street is deemed “trying to get the council to adopt a position without public hearings or notice?”
Now Xcel claims the need for the Hiawatha Project is based on the “South Minneapolis Load Service Study,” but cannot or will not produce a copy of that study. They say it is not completed yet… Oh, and so you’re wanting this line for what????
And then I find that there’s also a “South Minneapolis Electric Reliability Project” where they want to run a 345kV line from Hwy. 280 to the new Hiawatha Project substation.
As discussed, but not quite yet formally proposed, Xcel’s Hiawatha Project would have a substation somewhere near 28th & Hiawatha, and the line would go east through Prestigious East Phillips to near the old Honeywell site near 35W.
Don’t forget, there are three meetings coming up, one held by the community, and two others by Xcel:
Community Forum on Xcel’s Hiawatha Project
Sponsored by the Phillips Community Energy Cooperative, the Greenway Coalition, and others
Monday, January 12, 2009
At Plaza Verde
1516 East Lake Street
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
… and an Open House, another opportunity to dig into this project and find out what’s really going on:
Xcel Energy’s Public Open House on the Hiawatha Project
Thursday, January 15, 2009
At Plaza Verde, 1516 East Lake Street
Noon to 2:00 p.m.
and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Search this site for “Hiawatha Project” for background information.
Minneapolis council diverts power-line issue
“We have a responsibility outside an empty room,” Council Member Lisa Goodman said.