Xcel transmission — Opposition anyone???
January 27th, 2009
Poor Xcel, getting picked on… a City of Minneapolis resolution to delay the route application for the Hiawatha Project transmission line, and a unanimous preference for undergrounding if it should be built. SNORT!
LET’S SEE THE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS LOAD SERVING STUDY (which the Hiawatha Project is supposedly based on) and the SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS ELECTRIC RELIABILITY PROJECT STUDY which is shooting in a 345kV line from Hwy. 280 to the new Hiawatha substation… “100 MW need” my ass…
Here are 16 questions posed by Midtown Greenway to Xcel and 9 answers:
Piecing together studies found on line, here’s what I think Xcel is up to:
Take your transmission line and go home, Xcel…
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