Here’s what just was filed on behalf of Minnesota Coalition for Sensible Siting:

Minnesota Coalition for Sensible Siting – Comments

Exhibit A – CUB-WIEG Petition for Review – Bent Tree

Exhibit B – Canada Health Survey July 20, 2009

Exhibit C – Testimony of Rick James – Tazewell IL

Exhibit D – AEI Wind Turbine Noise Report 2009

Exhibit E – Harding – Wind Turbines, Flicker and Photosensitive Epilepsy

Exhibit F – Failed Suzlon Turbine

Exhibit G – Failed Turbine in Sherman Co, OR

Exhibit H – Wind Worker Casualties

Exhibit I – Murray County Wind Ordinance

Exhibit J – Manitowoc County Wind Ordinance 9-07

Exhibit K – Calumet County Wind Ordinance

Exhibit L – Ridgeville Wind Ordinance

And this was filed by CFERS:

CFERS Comment

To look at all the filings, go to and to eDockets and search for docket 09-845.