
A little over a month ago, ITC Holdings filed a rate request with FERC, and utilities in the Midwest got to it and filed “protests” and petitions to intervene in that docket.  FERC had extended the Comment period until March 6, and oh, did they get comments.  The Who’s Who of utilities, with big emphasis on the Midwest, “our friends” at Xcel represented in a number of capacities…  and even National Wind and Goodhue Wind!


A little birdie dropped off a notice that FERC had issued an Order:

FERC Order – april 10, 2009

I’ve just skimmed it so far, but it looks like they pretty much gave Green Power Express (a/k/a ITC Holdings) the whole enchilada… what they’re asking for is the ability to recover $$$ before the line is even energized, which is absurd, but that’s what all these utiltiies have been asking for and getting, so it’s not really anything new.  Theh difference, it appears, is that ITC is pushing into Xcel’s transmission territory, and Xcel isn’t too happy about it.  The Green Power Express is essentially the Midwest part of JCSP and METP 08, but maybe there’s … ahem… a little confusion about just who was going to build that transmission?!?!?  FERC accepted responses of GPE to Comments, and accepted a response of MISO to comments (in which MISO is siding with GPE), but they rejected all the others, like Xcel, GRE, etc., the ones opposing GPE.  Xcel’s probably not used to getting dissed!

I’m really not sure what to think about this.  The project shouldn’t be built, it’s not needed, that’s for sure, and they shouldn’t get rate recovery, that’s also for sure, but I’ve got to give them a few points for butting in on Xcel’s action.

… and now I’ve finally read the whole thing, and it redefines “Shock and Awe” — this FERC Order gives them 99% of what they asked for, and seemed to bend over in doing so, doing everything they can to give Green Power Express the green light, and to start collecting $$$ right away.  So we’ll be paying for this, and even if it’s not built, we’ll be paying for it.  This transmission binge is reminding me of the nuclear days of the 70s, and we are going to get hit so hard.  What are these yahoos thinking?

What next?  Well, I hope that Illinois and New York will get to it and let FERC and Green Power Experss that “WE DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ TRANSMISSION!”  New York has been doing a good job thus far giving JCSP the finger, and I hope they continue, because this, logically, will have coal on the wires and will facilitate construction of new coal plants in the Midwest.

Hmmmm… my brain just did a “frolic & detour” — “Coal on the Conductors” just popped in …

Going into the CapX hearing with all this transmission lining up…  (she says, shaking her head in disgust)


The Hiawatha Project, Xcel’s transmission line vision/nightmare for Phillips Community in South Minneapolis, is getting closer, moving forward toward an application.

CLICK HERE for the MOES Docket Page for Hiawatha Project

Go to that page and sign up for notices and info if you haven’t already!

Here’s what just came over the wire from RaeLynn S. Asah, Xcel:


You have been previously contacted regarding the Hiawatha project and have expressed interest in keeping up to date on the status of the project.

We are currently finalizing the Route Permit application for the Hiawatha project and plan to file later this month.

As we have been preparing the application, we have been including input from the community on concerns about the project:

* The application will include four possible transmission line route locations and five design options, including the two underground route options that have been discussed (along 28th Street and 29th Street).
* We are including alternative locations for both the Midtown and the Hiawatha substations.
* We are including copies of the various resolutions in the application that reflect the concerns raised by various entities in the area.

As part of the filing requirements, various City and County staff and representatives receive copies of the application along with copies at the local library. The filing will also be available on the Minnesota Public Utilities Commissions (PUC) web site (Docket # E002/TL-0938) and on our website. However, given your past involvement, we expect you would may a copy of the application.  We would prefer to limit the number of paper copies we print to those that prefer that type of document.  We will also provide a CD version to those who prefer that option.

Xcel Energy is committed to working with the community to the extent possible and fully encourages everyone to become involved in the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) process, which is open to all interested parties and individuals.  The best way to ensure your organization and constituents stay apprised of project developments is to register with the PUC to be on their mailing list.  You can do this by calling the PUC directly as requesting to be included on the mailing list for project docket #E002/TL-0938.

Please contact me as soon as possible to let me know if you would like a copy of the application, the type of document (paper or CD) and the number of copies.

Please feel free to contact me directly, all of my contact information is listed below.

RaeLynn S. Asah |  Permitting Analyst  |  Siting and Land Rights  |  Transmission, Flr 8  |  Xcel Energy  |  250 Marquette Ave  |  Minneapolis MN 55401  |  o:  612-330-6512  |  fax: 612-573-4011


Shame, shame, shame, Xcel…

Remember way back when, Chisago II, when then Northern States Power did a deal with the City of Taylors Falls and the City of St. Croix Falls?  I won’t forget the cities’ joint siging meeting, because the then Mayor of St. Croix Falls, now a felon, ordered me arrested when I inquired during public comment period about the “Project Mitigation Fund and Committee.”  Guess he didn’t want that discussed, didn’t want it questioned… thanks to all the hollering from the audience I didn’t end up with three hots and a cot!

Deal – NSP – Taylors Falls – St. Croix Falls

This was a three way deal.  Well, Xcel has just unilaterally, without permission of Taylors Falls and St. Croix Falls, altered provisions of the construction specifics that were material terms of the agreement.

From the agreement:


See???  Undergrounding “to the existing dam facility on the St. Croix River…”

Simple enough… but here’s what it says in the PUC Order of February 20, 2008:


… and..


So in the agreement, it is undergrounded all the way to the river, and in the PUC Order, it’s above ground from Hwy. 95 to the river on H-frame structures.  EH?  Well, what does that look like?  Here’s the map:


Off to the right, the wider road where there’s a box pointing downward at the wider road where it says “UG Termination Structures” and the line representing transmission changes to sort of a weird dashed line just after the road, that’s Hwy 95 where just east of the highway, it changes from underground to overhead.  If you follow it from Hwy. 95 to the right, east, you’ll see it go over County Road 16, Wild Mountain Road and then over to the St. Croix River.

What does Taylors Falls think about it?  They’re unhappy enough to have rattled Xcel’s cage, and got this response from Xcel:

Xcel’s letter to Mayor Buchite – March 26, 2009

Xcel’s explanation why transmission line was overhead when it was supposed to be underground is… well… read it for yourself:


Oh, right, Xcel, because you got everyone together EXCEPT those who are party to the agreement and they agreed, yeah, seems like it’s OK… uh-huh…

I think a better response: “THAT’S DIFFERENT!”

Should the settlement agreement be amended?  Xcel has this to say:


Xcel says there’s no need to amend the settlement agreement and that they’ve “complied with all of the provisions relative to Taylors Falls.”  Oh… uh-huh…

St. Croix Falls, the other party to the agreement, is outraged!  They took it to Congressman Obey:

St. Croix Falls letter to Rep. Obey – March 31, 2009

Can you hear their eyeballs rolling, hands thrown up in disgust?


And what’s this about the school in St. Croix Falls?????

Xcel is getting a little too big for its britches!

From the folks who brought you CapX 2020, today we get even more…


Here’s a link over to my other site — I’ll post a map and more tomorrow, but for now, go over to


How dare they… and on the eve of the CapX 2020 Certificate of Need oral argument and deliberation, whatever are they thinking… I do not understand


PPL gets earful at Saw Creek public hearing

Nearly 300 come out for Bushkill power line hearing

Bushkill power line hearings draw hundreds

Let’s take a look at their SEC filings!

PPL’s 2008 10-K

PSEG 2008 10-K

Some utility toady on commenting on one of the articles above suggested I buy PPL stock… right… good idea…