
I’ve been concerned. I’ve been anxious. But much less so after last night’s “debate.” The good news about this election is that, as with all elections, the voting booth is private, and people can vote and there’s no need to report. My hope is that those undecided, and those supporting Drumpf, will consider last night’s “debate” and how unqualified is, that he is crass and flighty, blustery without substance, arrogant, unprepared and ill-advised. How many times did he say “I didn’t say that” when it’s documented that he did, over and over?

This isn’t about Hillary. I’m no fan. That’s public information. But I am assuredly against Drumpf and the view of “great” America he is pushing. It’s antihetical to all I’ve been working for, to my values, to the values and laws of this country, against the most fundamental tenets of Christianity, all those things that are, or should be, the determining factor in our votes. Things like the Constitution. I mean really, he touts “stop & frisk” when it’s been declared unconstitutional? And doesn’t cop to it when challenged? No, this guy has no business being President. Not on my watch.

And yes, after Feelin’ the Bern, this has been a horrible election season.  I don’t want to think about it, yet am drawn to the train wreck.  The prospect of voting for Clinton turns my stomach, there are so many reasons, and it’s disturbing that the Dems do not want to acknowledge the legitimacy of issues many of us have with Clinton, preferring shaming as an election strategy (just STOP it!).  That makes the prospect of voting for Clinton even worse.

Meanwhile, people I know, though not many, are supporting Drumpf.  I’ve been easy on them, really!  Holding back… Just minor interjections now and then, a little reality therapy a la Glasser.

This debate, though, and Drumpf’s performance and lack thereof, to me means that it will be pretty hard to justify a vote for him.  OH… MY… DOG!

And the coverage of this “debate” is so weird:

Words people looked up during Clinton-Trump debate

That people need to look up words like “stamina” and “temperament” is appalling.  Yes, “cavalier” is more than a Chevy… and how about “caprice,” capisce?


#ImWithHer ? Ummmm…

June 17th, 2016

I keep seeing #ImWithHer everywhere.  Somehow this is the hashtag adopted by Hillary supporters, maybe even promoted by Hillary Clinton herself.

Given the common use of “I’M WITH STUPID” to the extent that “I’m with…” will be invariably not end well for Hillary, why is this being used?


And it also opens her up to such obvious funnin’!

I'mWithStupidHRCI'mWithStupidHRC_Real Photo


How stupid can they be?

FeeltheBern!Bernie Sanders is the first Presidential candidate that I’ve been able to wholeheartedly support, that I’ve very actively supported, in my how-did-that-happen-so-fast long lifetime of many elections.  I’m anxious, not eager, to see how the national convention plays out.

Yesterday, Clinton said:

“It never feels good to put our heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and come up short,” she said. “I know that feeling well. But as we look ahead to the battle that awaits, let’s remember all that unites us.”

But Hillary Clinton is the candidate that falls short.  With the twists and spins and tricks of Clinton’s campaign, and knowledge that she cannot pull in crossovers and independents as Bernie could due to her baggage, I’m disappointed beyond placation.  Politics as usual is not acceptable.

Can Hillary Clinton salvage this?  For the sake of the party and the country and each and every one of us citizens, I think she needs to withdraw.

As if…


ows_145818241516183-AP Photo SethPeriman

AP Photo – Seth Periman

There’s a good editorial in the STrib today about Donald Drumpf’s abject incompetence and nailing journalists for not reporting it, not holding him accountable, not exposing it, and the bottom line:

But the media in general haven’t really made enough of it. Journalists are quick to accuse him of bullying and bigotry (and rightly so), but he’s rarely called grossly incompetent for his basic factual understanding of the world, or even called out on his inability to speak coherently.

Here’s the full OpEd:

The scariest thing about Trump is his incoherent gibberish.

This headline puts it well, and “incoherent gibberish” is exactly the sort of thing we often heard from Sarah Palin.  It is just bunches of words, often code words a la Wallace’s hate speech, puked out and strung together, and it does not make any sense.  Read it.  Worse, read it out loud!

What does it mean when there’s such strong support for someone who cannot even speak sufficiently well to communicate a coherent thought?  What does this say about his thought process if this is what comes out?  And what does it say about media, where reporters do not raise their eyebrows, screw up their snouts, and say, “WHAT?”  “What did you say?”  “What do you mean?”  “What you said makes no sense, what are you trying to say?”  “What on earth are you talking about?”

Here’s the transcript of his meeting with the Washington Post editorial board, something that I want to preserve in case they disappear it, it’s that _________ (scary?  mind boggling?  bizarre?  inexplicable?).

A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board – The Washington Post

I’m confident that he will not be elected President, one way or another, but that he is regarded as a contender, and that he is commanding so much of our country’s collective time, OH MY DOG!


FeeltheBern!Be it Sanders or Clinton, there is no Democratic nominee yet, and that nomination will not occur for some time.  There are many primaries, and compared with 2008, MANY that have not occurred yet that were held much earlier in 2008.

There are “some” saying that Clinton now is ahead of where Obama was at this point in 2008, using that to argue that she is the presumed nominee.  Ummmmm, NO!


Look at the schedule, we’re more than a month behind now in primary and caucus scheduling:

2008 Democratic Caucus and Primary Schedule

As of this time in 2008, the following states had had primaries but as of this time in 2016, they have not, they’re yet to occur (in 2008 date order, with 2016 date written in):

Alaska – March 27

Arizona – March 22

California – June 7 (2008 2/5!)

Connecticut – April 26

Delaware – April 26

Idaho – March 22

New Jersey – June 7 (also 2/5 in 2008)

New Mexico – June 7 (ditto)

New York – April 19

North Dakota – June 7 (ditto)

Utah – March 22

U.S. Virgin Islands – June 4

District of Columbia – June 14

Maryland – April 26

Hawaii – March 26

Wisconsin – April 5

Rhode Island – April 26

Wyoming – April 9

Sooooooo… see what nonsense it is to state that there is a presumptive nominee at this point in time?  But I’ll wager this perspective is promoted by a certain candidate who doesn’t want to be bothered with the facts.

Just stop it, folks, and let’s keep moving forward with this contested nomination campaign.