Dr. Gary Carlson’s wind Commentary in STrib
November 9th, 2010
In yesterday’s STrib there was a Commentary written by Dr. Gary Carlson, of Northfield. He gave a very accurate impression of what it is to go to a Rice County Planning Commission meeting. FRUSTRATING! To put it mildly. He also has started digging into health impacts of wind. He’s put himself out as a canary:
Here’s his Commentary:
Gary Carlson: Wind energy’s ripple effects
Once I learned how turbines can affect people, I had to speak up.I know environmental sensitivity; these are the patients I take care of every day.
We lost four and tied one (tabled for now). I felt devastated.
Gro Wind in Scott County
October 30th, 2010
Thanks to a little birdie…
Looks to me like Gro Wind, LLC is doing the same thing in Scott County that they’re doing in Scott County.
They have four projects totalling 6MW on the Rice County Planning Commission agenda for November 4, 2010, one of them for the Otting property at the north edge of Rice County on Co Rd 46:
And in Scott County, they have two more, two 1MW projects, and one of them is on the November 8, 2010, agenda for the Otting property just on the other side of the county boundary:
From the Planning Commission packet:
In the application, they note that this is the SECOND turbine Gro Wind has applied for in Scott County, with the other one immediately to the northwest (see site map below):
And they’re not counting the one just to the SOUTH on Otting property that is in Rice County and is before the Rice County Planning Commission on November 4th, as above.
The Gro Wind turbine on Otting property in RICE County is 1 MW, the other 5 in Rice County are 1MW each, totalling 6MW, and the two in Scott County are ???? The November 8 Hearing one is 1MW Nordic Windpower, and their “Hidden Springs” site one is ??? probably the same, I’ll check the Scott County site for this.
They aren’t following the state statutes, there’s no Minn. Stat. 216F.011 “Size Determination” from the state, and there’s no Minn. Stat. 216F.012 “Size Election” notice to the state.
Here’s their site plan, showing the “Hidden Springs” one, and from the looks of it, it’s about 1/2 mile from the other, maybe a little more:
Spring Creek & Gro Wind projects in Rice County
October 28th, 2010
As you know, Goodhue County passed a Wind Ordinance earlier this month:
And on Monday, Wabasha’s Planning Commission reviewed its own Wind Ordinance (sorry about the format of this, but it’s how it is on their site):
And now, on to Rice County. There’s a project proposed in Rice County… well, it’s a revisitation of a project started in Dakota County and which went over like a lead balloon:
Greenvale Wind Farm – Sparks Energy & Medin Energy – Project Docket
This was an 11MW project, and the main objection was that the wind farm was proposed for Dakota County, a pretty populated area, and the project was quickly withdrawn:
Here are the specifics:
The same people who proposed that Greenvale Wind project, Anna Schmalzbauer and Leone Medin, a mother/daugher duo, are the ones behind the proposed “five” projects in Rice County, which totals the same MWs as the Greenvale project — they’re all on the agenda at the same time, all to be built the same time, one is under “Spring Creek, LLC” which is a Jeff Paulson creation (that alone should raise eyebrows and trigger scrutiny) and four are “Gro Wind, LLC” with cookie cutter cut and paste “applications” with only minor changes, like the parcel location. And this time… filed separately. The Gro Wind cookie-cutter cut and paste applications, all filed “separately,” total over 5MW.
Any wind project proposed must apply to the state for a “Size Determination” under Minn. Stat. 216F.011. The state then proceeds to determine the size of the project, taking into account projects in geographic proximity, the timing, the project developer, the financing, the power purchase agreements, to determine whether it’s one project, many separate ones, and how many MW, and essentially the state then issues its “Size Determination” and tells the developer where to go! The County has jurisdiction over those projects under 5MW, and from 5-20MW the developer can choose to go to the county, and 20MW and over goes to the Public Utilities Commission. In the 5-20MW range, the developer can choose to go to the county for a siting permit, BUT when they do, they need to notify the state that that is what they’re doing, notify them of their “Size Election” when they make the application! Minn. Stat. 216F.012.
Schmalzbauer and Medin, Spring Creek and Gro Wind, didn’t get a “Size Determination” and didn’t notify the state of a “Size Election.” They did NEITHER.
It looked fishy when I saw it, so I emailed the County staff and Deb Pile, EFP, MOES, Dept. of Commerce asking for some documentation that the applicants had followed the law. And nope, didn’t do it, and worse, the county didn’t know that is what they should do! Direct from Deb Pile, EFP, MOES, Dept. of Commerce:
Dear Ms. Overland,
Thank you for bringing these Rice County projects to my attention. The Office of Energy Security has not evaluated these projects or made a size determination pursuant to Minn. Stat. 216F.011. I have discussed the situation with the county and anticipate receiving further information about the projects from the applicants shortly.
Deborah Pile
Oh my… that is a problem. So … there goes Overland… and I sent this this morning for the Planning Commission:
Letter to County Staff – for Planning Commission
Exhibit A – email re: Gro Wind application
Exhibit B – Greenvale Wind Withdrawal Letter – August 31, 2010
Exhibit C – DRAFT Wabash County Wind Ordinance
Exhibit D – Goodhue County WECS Ordinance
Exhibit E – Recommended Wind Noise Ordinance – Rick James, INCE
Exhibit F – MISO Queue – Rice County Wind Projects (Excel spreadsheet)
Exhibit G – Public Health Impacts of Wind Turbines – Mn Dept of Health
Exhibit H – Direct Testimony of Rick James – Goodhue Wind Docket 08-1233
Exhibit I – Additional Testimony of Rick James – Goodhue Wind Docket 08-1233
Now it’s wait and see…