April 5th, 2020
Results came in a couple days ago. NEGATIVE! For now… but the sinus crap is lingering on, and on, and on… that is SO frustrating.
Rx: Continued isolation, RARE trips out for essential stuff, and wait it out.
Times like this, I’m glad to work from home, though I miss the trips to meet with clients!
UPDATE: Corona State by State – call the Governors!
April 3rd, 2020
Agitating project for today in quarantine — contact all the pink and grey states on this map. Message? “LOCKDOWN NOW! You’re putting your state’s people at risk, and increasing infection, sickness, and deaths. Just do it — issue stay-at-home order NOW!”
What the hell is wrong with these states? And this is one reason why we need honest and ethical leadership at federal level.
Fauci: I don’t understand why all states are not under stay-at-home orders
Well, it’s called federal lack of leadership. Most states have stay-at-home orders, I was on Gov. Walz to do that, and we should have done it before Wisconsin, but at least he did do it. Now, on to these others, some of which have local stay-at-home but no STATEWIDE stay at home. Missouri and Alabama now have STAY HOME Orders. Come on, Governors, just do it:
Contact Iowa Governor
Impact of COVID on energy projects
March 30th, 2020
Last month, both Invenergy and NextEra had issued Notice of Force Majure:
Solar Force Majeure in WI – Coronavirus February 26th, 2020
Then NextEra cancelled its notice, and apparently plans to move forward with the Two Creeks project.
Here’s a recent industry blurb about the impacts, mentioning Badger Hollow solar and the rush to get projects in the ground before the tax credit and subsidies deadline, and trying to get perks in the COVID relief bill:
U.S. wind, solar industries plead for “tweaks” to coronavirus stimulus to keep projects alive
From the article:
Ellsworth School District – willful disregard
March 27th, 2020
This is so disturbing to me, I wrote about it before I became speechless — in the Red Wing Republican Eagle:
Letter: Willful disregard and willful ignorance in Pierce County
I’m fuming. I just read with shock and disbelief that there’s a second case of COVID-19 in Pierce County. The cause of my shock and disbelief stems from the article which said that, “band and choir students were in New Orleans March 9-14, which also was spring break. The person attended the senior high school choir trip, according to the message.”
Carol A. Overland
Red Wing