#ImWithHer ? Ummmm…

June 17th, 2016

I keep seeing #ImWithHer everywhere.  Somehow this is the hashtag adopted by Hillary supporters, maybe even promoted by Hillary Clinton herself.

Given the common use of “I’M WITH STUPID” to the extent that “I’m with…” will be invariably not end well for Hillary, why is this being used?


And it also opens her up to such obvious funnin’!

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How stupid can they be?


This is the worst hate crime in U.S. history.

50 Dead in Nightclub Shooting: ‘An Act of Terror and an Act of Hate’

What Happened at the Orlando Nightclub Shooting

Mass Shooting At Orlando Gay Nightclub: What We Know

Omar Mateen Had Concealed Carry License and Security License in Florida

Orlando Shooter Legally Bought Guns Despite Previous Flags by FBI

And on the other side of the country today:

Man with weapons and explosives arrested; was going to LA Gay Pride parade, police say

The spin of much of the reporting and comments focuses on the religion of the shooter, and that’s misplaced and deceptive.  This is a hate crime.  The shooter’s father has reported that his son was very upset over seeing two males kissing recently:

Orlando nightclub shooter inspired by gay hate according to father

Many media outlets are reporting this with an anti-Muslim spin, which is off point.  And those using this spin are avoiding the anti-gay aspect, and that’s off point too.  But given the anti-gay hatred being spewed by so many “Christians” (C-I-N-Os in my view, there’s nothing Christian about hatred), it’s no surprise.  Franklin Graham is a good example, and he’s coming soon to Minnesota:

Franklin Graham’s detestable anti-gay statements

Franklin Graham’s effort to blacklist LGBT-friendly companies…

There’s so much anti-GLBT vitriol, consider the bizarre “Bathroom Brigade Brouhaha” with laws passed and inciting weird incidents of people being tossed out of bathrooms across the country (shouldn’t the concern be about straight male pedophiles?), particularly where in this Minnesotan’s memory, it’s the Sen. Larry Craigs of the world that demonstrate bathroom issues!

Here’s the scoop on anti-gay hate crimes:  FBI statistics in a 2014 report on 2013 hate crimes, as above, show that 21.3% of hate crimes (reported & deemed) are crimes based on the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of the victims.  That’s 1,262 reported crimes identified as “hate crimes” in 2013.  Looking for more current numbers…

On the other hand, this is what our country is about, an expression of American values, people lining up to donate blood:

Bloodbanks at capacity, donors urged to return in coming days

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Make America Love Again!

CA_SoS_President Democratic - Statewide Result

Click for larger view.  This is from the California Secretary of State site, where they’re tallying the votes as the 2.5 million uncounted votes are counted.  Keep an eye on THIS page!  And compare with the LATimes CA Primary page, where they are NOT updating.  Letter-to-the-Editor sent to LA Times!

Bernie has picked up THREE COUNTIES — Glenn County up north, and San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara to the south.  This is just the beginning.  Makes sense that there are such shrill calls for Bernie to drop out.  No.  This is a contested nomination, and it is not over until it’s over.  And from the counties flipping, with 2.5 million votes to count, it looks like calling a winner is premature.  As is so much in this race.

Keep at it, California, count those votes!

FeeltheBern!Bernie Sanders is the first Presidential candidate that I’ve been able to wholeheartedly support, that I’ve very actively supported, in my how-did-that-happen-so-fast long lifetime of many elections.  I’m anxious, not eager, to see how the national convention plays out.

Yesterday, Clinton said:

“It never feels good to put our heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and come up short,” she said. “I know that feeling well. But as we look ahead to the battle that awaits, let’s remember all that unites us.”

But Hillary Clinton is the candidate that falls short.  With the twists and spins and tricks of Clinton’s campaign, and knowledge that she cannot pull in crossovers and independents as Bernie could due to her baggage, I’m disappointed beyond placation.  Politics as usual is not acceptable.

Can Hillary Clinton salvage this?  For the sake of the party and the country and each and every one of us citizens, I think she needs to withdraw.

As if…



Remember Xcel Energy’s Hollydale Transmission Project that was derailed when it was clear it wasn’t needed, and so Xcel Energy withdrew the application with regular compliance reports on status of the project, and a promise of a need study so long ago???

Yeah, I’ve been forgetting too, it’s been so long.  Here’s Xcel Energy’s page on what’s now called the “Plymouth Project.”

But, here it is!!  Finally, it has arrived, the Hollydale System Assessment Report from Xcel Energy that we’ve all been waiting for:


Pay particular attention to the map above of the “study area,” and note that it is the Interstate 494/694 ring and Hwy 55 to the east and north where the problems are, and the problems are yellow and orange, and not red.  The problems are not in the area of the Hollydale substation and not to the west, towards Medina.

When do we start seeing problems?  Looks like it’s in 2036, 20 years from now, double the usual 10 year transmission planning outlook (hint, that means it STILL is not needed) — and note, again, the problems are to the east and north, along the highways:


I’ve got to scour this report, but I do not think that they’ve considered select placement of distributed generation, i.e., solar panels on all the big boxes in the areas above in red!  Or residential solar on those in yellow.  What’s so difficult about that?

Here’s their choice:

FavoriteAlternativeCOn the plus side, there’s new substations planned in the red territory.  On the minus side, they still want to utilize the Hollydale substation.  On the plus side, they plan to expand transmission using 34.5 feeders, which is what I promoted as a solution.  On the minus side, they plan to keep the 69 kV line through Plymouth, with an eye on utilizing it in the future.  On the PLUS side, they claim that there’s no impact on the Hollydale – Medina section of the 69 kV line, claim that there’s no change from present use and non-use, and for my clients in Medina, that’s a good thing.  On the MINUS side, they don’t propose to tear that “unused” 69 kV line down.  On the MINUS side, they don’t propose to put all the transmission and distribution underground.  And remember, just yesterday, when there was a large distribution outage due to wind out in the western suburbs?

So now, it’s time to read this report!