Whew! Got this done early too!

And that noise modeling that is SO off, really, p. 18 & 19, they did this, 0.6 and 1.0 ground factor!!!

Nope, not OK, this needs a do over, resubmit corrected modeling, with notice for public review and comment.

Here’s a post with the primary documents for you to check out and COMMENT ON!

Lava Ridge wind DEIS deadline now 4/20

The deadline for Comments on the Lava Ridge wind project Draft Environmental Impact Statement has been extended to April 20, 2023. This is the wind project near, or nearly surrounding, the Minidoka National Historical Site, depending on the siting allowed.

Want to make a comment? Here’s how:

Here are links, starting with the Executive Summary and in order of appearance (there’s really no easy way to do this, and be prepared, just that first one with the narrative, it’s 578 pages long, and it’s the most important for the overview):

Go to the “Friends of Minidoka” for some guidelines and suggestions for comments:

Friends of Minidoka – Lava Ridge page

As we left our Craters of the Moon Nat’l Monument campsite in Idaho in May…

… and headed southeasterly, on the way to the rather new Minidoka Nat’l Historic Site, Alan discovered that there was a Lava Ridge wind project proposed for the area.

Here’s today’s notice from BLM:


Thursday, August 25, 2022

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time

Virtual via Zoom – Zoom Registration


The first meeting was on July 7, 2022:

View the recorded meeting here

The Lava Ridge wind project is likely the country’s largest wind project thus far, with turbines twice the size of those in Minnesota. Here’s the “Magic Valley” developer page: https://www.magicvalleyenergy.com/

And the BLM page for the project:


Cut & paste of some basic facts for the project:

The proposed project includes up to 400 wind turbines, up to seven new substations, approximately 198 miles of 34.5 kilovolt (kV) collector lines, 34 miles of 230 kV transmission lines, 18 miles of 500 kV transmission lines, 381 miles of access roads, 47 miles of temporary crane paths, a battery energy storage system, three operations and maintenance facilities, five permanent met towers and construction-related staging yards. The project proposal has identified a range of possible turbine sizes that would have a generating capacity of 2 to 6 megawatts (MW) per turbine and would have heights ranging from 460 to 740 feet tall. MVE has proposed to locate all components of the project within a series of corridors. These corridors are approximately 1/2 mile wide and cover approximately 76,000 acres, of which 73,000 acres are located on public lands managed by BLM and 3,000 acres are State Lands managed by the Idaho Department of Lands.  The project infrastructure proposed within the corridors is estimated to have a 10,000-acre footprint (emphasis added).

BLM National NEPA Register — Lava Ridge Wind Project

The “Friends of Minidoka” are actively challenging this project, more info here, the link is dated, a cut & paste blurb from BLM:

Bureau of Land Management Extends Public Scoping for the Lava Ridge Wind Project

The prerecorded presentation and scoping posters are available on the project website at https://go.usa.gov/xFKxg.

Contact info for BLM, please contact Kasey Prestwich, Lava Ridge Wind Project EIS Project Manager, Phone: 208-732-7204, E-mail: kprestwich@blm.gov.  

From that Scoping Report, here’s another, better map:

I’d expect the EIS will take at least a few more months, and perhaps not be released until next year. I’ve asked and will report in if I get a response. And here ’tis, expected that “Draft EIS will be published in September 2022 and a Notice of Availability for the Final EIS will be published in April 2023.”

Just in today (I’d requested to be on developers project list) – there’s a meeting on Saturday,11a-1p at College of Southern Idaho, Taylor Building, Rm. 276:

(FYI, threats however anonymous and hidden are reported, and comments approved so the world can see what ugly jerks you are.)

Kyle Rittenhouse arrested in Illinois for fleeing, and charged with 1st degree Intentional Homicide, and more, in Wisconsin:


Contact the Wisconsin Attorney General and urge a full investigation of not only these murders and shootings, but the ties between Kenosha militia (and others) and Kenosha Police Dept., their coordination with militia in driving protesters towards them, and the role of militia and inciters to bring this about. Urge a U.S. Dept. of Justice investigation into Kenosha Police Department. https://www.doj.state.wi.us/ag/contact

Suspect Charged with Murder After 2 Shot Dead at Kenosha Protest

  • Wisconsin DOJ 608-266-1221
  • Gov. Tony Evers 414-227-4344

See him walking away? You’ll see that in the Military Vangard video below. And after that first shooting, this:

Tucker Carlson defends actions of teen charged in killings of Kenosha protesters

Contact Fox News – Tucker Carlson needs to be FIRED – link HERE

Watch this video:

Another video, can’t embed it (see Military Vanguard fb page):

“I just killed somebody” says Kyle Rittenhouse

#Breaking #KenoshaProtests 17-year old Kyle Rittenhouse with a green shirt and assault rifle can be seen running from the scene saying: “I just killed somebody”

Posted by Military Vanguard on Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Here’s another:

And Kenosha Police Department issue this:

Looking for him? Kyle Rittenhouse, a/k/a Kyle Lewis, of Antioch, Illinois. They had him after the shooting, and they had him before, right here:

“We appreciate you guys, we really do!

And some people wonder why people are out in the streets.

Here’s Kyle Rittenhouse a/k/a Kyle Lewis, of Antioch, Illinois:

Kyle Rittenhouse, charged in Kenosha protest homicides, considered himself militia


Police press conference, OMFD, complete with passive voice and claim that Rittenhouse was there “to resolve the situation,” another OMFD:


Here he is in 2017:

Apparently Rittenhouse’s mother drove him up to Kenosha. Is that who he was calling after he shot that first person who fell between the cars, saying “I just killed someone” and she came and picked him up (how did he get back to Illinois otherwise?). Sounds like she’s an accessory:

Kyle Rittenhouse in front row at Des Moines tRump rally

Here’s a photo from that rally:

Read the missive below, and recall the video above where the Kenosha Guard is trying to be all chummy with the police, and Paul Swick, local III%, going back and forth with Kenosha Guard. fb has taken down the Kenosha Guard and Armed Citizens… pages and posts of their “event” for last night. Scroll down for Infowars promotion!

Militia guy said cops told him, “Do you know what the cops told us today? We’re going to push them to you, because you can deal with them, then we’re going to leave.”

Other links for when they start taking links down:

Infowars promotion of the militia recruiting:


The Kenosha Guard, a local militia, is making a call-to-arms for “any patriots willing to take up arms and defend our city tonight from evil thugs.” The groups Facebook warns of potential future destruction to the neighborhood, claiming that there is “no doubt they’re currently planning on the next part of the city tonight!” [fb or the Kenosha Guard has taken the link down]

The Facebook event scheduled for 8PM at Civic Center Park today, outlines the agenda asking for “Armed Citizens to Protect our Lives and Property.” [fb or the Kenosha Guard has taken the link down]

The meet-up outlines that, “law enforcement is outnumbered and our Mayor has failed, Take up arms and lets defend our CITY! Meet at civic center at 8PM,” This was captured by the Rundown Live as thousands of Wisconsin protesters joined the Kenosha residents and things quickly turned violent, leaving vehicles, buildings in shambles and several injured.

A local resident who asked to remain anonymous, told the Rundown Live that the community is fed up with the looting and that law enforcement is not protecting local businesses, just federal buildings.” The individual suggested there are “many locals who share his sentiment and that” and that he is ” all for peaceful protests but we are not going to stand by and watch our city burn.”

This may have been inspired by other boogaloo movements such as in Michigan, but subsequently a result of the destruction of private property. A few brave locals came out armed last night to protect their businesses in Kenosha. The armed militia attempted to stop looters and rioters.