ICE OUT in Pine Island!
August 22nd, 2018
Amazing. Tonight the Pine Island City Council reversed its position and rescinded its previous Resolution in support of the ICE detention center proposed for Elk Run area of Pine Island. YES!
KAAL – The City of Pine Island Rescinds Support for ICE Detention Facility
KIMT – Pine Island changes its mind on an ICE detention center
Here’s the Resolution rescinding the previous Resolution:
Here’s the original Resolution of support, boilerplate language from the proposed developers:
It’s DONE, for now. It could come back, but methinks they understand that we’re ready! Methinks they know what to expect if they try again!
NO ICE! Pine Island City Council meeting last night
July 18th, 2018
I should have gone up in the front row and captured the smirk on the Mayor’s face through almost all of the meeting. Was he nervous and feeling the heat, or was he dismissive of everyone who showed up? Showed up for what? For the Pine Island City Council meeting, the first one after City Council meeting where they voted to approve a resolution of support for Management and Training Corporation’s 640 bed ICE detention facility.
Here’s Alan Muller’s comment:
FULL meeting link — City says their site is broken so they posted it HERE – CITY FB PAGE
Here’s the Post Bulletin on the meeting:
Crowd weighs in on potential Pine Island ICE facility
The ICE request for proposals:
Immigration Detention Services Multiple Areas of Responsibility
No Comments »Posted by Carol A. OverlandGRE to dump garbage incineration on the public?
July 9th, 2018
Remember when the site of the Elk River garbage burner was a nuclear demonstration plant? I do, because my father worked on parts of the design for that plant, and characterization after it was operational — I played with the geiger counter as a kid, and the rest is history. Technical difficulties at the Elk River Nuclear Station were many. It was shut down and decommissioned in the early 1970s. Today, that site is now a garbage incinerator.
Remember just one year ago, Xcel Energy going to the Public Utilities Commission to terminate their garbage and turkey shit burning Power Purchase Agreements?
GRE now wants to do the same, and is considering, and is likely to, shut down its Elk River garbage burning operation. News from Elk River, the red highlights are mine, and (red comments in parens are mine). If you get confused what’s what, click on link for original article:
Garbage project closure pondered
Great River Energy would like Elk River Resource Recovery Project to become publicly owned
Muller files for Red Wing City Council
June 9th, 2018
click for larger version
Northern Metals rears its ugly head in Becker
April 16th, 2018
Northern Metals was violating its MPCA permit, it also lit on fire. Ultimately, it was run out of town.
So now it goes to Becker. How will it NOT violate its permit there? Oh, right, MPCA will be so lax about it that violation would be a logical, legal, and physical impossibility.
Muller on Northern Metals (primary docs here) March 26th, 2012
From today’s EQB Monitor:
Project Title: Northern Metals, LLC – Becker
Comment Deadline: May 18, 2018
Project Description: Northern Metals, LLC plans to construct a scrap metal recycling center in the general industrial area in the City of Becker. The Project consists of an enclosed metal shredder, an enclosed metal recovery plant, an end of life vehicle process, and a Community Recycling Center (CRC). The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will host a public meeting on the proposed expansion of the Northern Metals, LLC – Becker project May 10, 2018, at the Becker Community Center located at 11500 Sherburne Avenue, Becker, MN. The event will begin with an informal open house from 6:00 to 6:30, followed by a presentation from the MPCA and a question and answer session. The MPCA will provide information about the draft air emissions permit and the environmental assessment worksheet (EAW). A copy of the Notice of Availability and the EAW can be found on the MPCA website at the following address: [per Kevin Kain, it’ll be posted afternoon 4/16/2018] Minn. R. 4410.100 subp. 1.D.
Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU): Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
RGU Contact Person:
Kevin Kain
520 Lafayette Rd N
St. Paul, MN 55155