Image result for Northern Metals, Minneapolis

Northern Metals was violating its MPCA permit, it also lit on fire.  Ultimately, it was run out of town.

So now it goes to Becker.  How will it NOT violate its permit there?  Oh, right, MPCA will be so lax about it that violation would be a logical, legal, and physical impossibility.

From today’s EQB Monitor:

Project Title: Northern Metals, LLC – Becker

Comment Deadline: May 18, 2018

Project Description: Northern Metals, LLC plans to construct a scrap metal recycling center in the general industrial area in the City of Becker. The Project consists of an enclosed metal shredder, an enclosed metal recovery plant, an end of life vehicle process, and a Community Recycling Center (CRC). The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will host a public meeting on the proposed expansion of the Northern Metals, LLC – Becker project May 10, 2018, at the Becker Community Center located at 11500 Sherburne Avenue, Becker, MN. The event will begin with an informal open house from 6:00 to 6:30, followed by a presentation from the MPCA and a question and answer session. The MPCA will provide information about the draft air emissions permit and the environmental assessment worksheet (EAW). A copy of the Notice of Availability and the EAW can be found on the MPCA website at the following address: [per Kevin Kain, it’ll be posted afternoon 4/16/2018] Minn. R. 4410.100 subp. 1.D.

Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU): Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

RGU Contact Person:
Kevin Kain
520 Lafayette Rd N
St. Paul, MN 55155

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