Flynn dismissal vacated!
July 30th, 2020

Here’s the whole thing, well, not much more:
In the New York Times:
Appeals Court Erases Order to End Michael Flynn Case, Sets New Arguments
A train derailment, explosion, fire, bridge collapse
July 29th, 2020

Very hot off the press, some amazing aerial footage on the second link below:
Train derails and bridge partially collapses in Arizona
Train derailment, massive fire on bridge over Tempe Town Lake
DON’T SHOOT PORTLAND sues the feds
July 27th, 2020

YES!!! DON’T SHOOT PORTLAND and a host of others have sued the feds, yes, a big long list of them:
For your reading enjoyment! And send them some dough as a token of appreciation!!
OLA Report on PUC
July 27th, 2020

Hot off the press from the Office of the Legislative Auditor, its report:
In short:

And it’s in the STrib:
Minnesota’s state watchdog agency dings utilities commission on dealings with public
ACLU gets restraining order against feds
July 24th, 2020

What’s new in Portland? Federal court issued temporary restraining order late yesterday:
This has gone around for another TRO (or is it TKO?) first against the City of Portland police, and TRO was granted, then ACLU came back after the feds appeared and were also targeting journalists and legal observers. The hearing was day before yesterday, and yesterday late the TRO was granted:

The feds argued that they didn’t have standing for this suit, that they had other options for relief than a restraining order, that they had no direct evidence of retaliation against press, and other absurd notions, but the court blew those arguments out of the water.
This Order outlined the importance of press access, an essential 1st Amendment right, noting the importance of press “[w]hen wrongdoing is underway…”

“[I]ts real motive may be to prevent the gathering of information about government abuses or incompetence.” Well, DOH! Shades of tRump’s outrageous treatment of the press in D.C., but here extended to physical violence, arrest, bodily harm, directed at people wearing “PRESS” in bold letters, wearing vests and ID clearly labeled “PRESS,” visibly separate from protesters, doing their work, at times even directly and specifically attacked while filming!
Bottom line: