Eliminating asylum ?!?

July 15th, 2019

Words fail me — stopping aslyum — HOW DARE YOU!

Official release in Federal Register today 7/16/2019


And in STrib: Trump moves to effectively end asylum at southern border

Call your U.S. Representative – contact info HERE

Call you U.S. Senator – contact info HERE

For Minnesotans:

Sen. Tina Smith: (651) 221-1016

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (651) 727-5220

CD2 Rep. Angie Craig (202) 225-2271

Donate to ACLU HERE.

This just over the wire:

And effective immediately. Making legal immigration illegal. Pulling the rug out, taking away this lawful means of entry.

“Notice and comment on this rule, along with a 30-day delay in its effective date, would be impracticable and contrary to the public interest. The Departments have determined that immediate implementation of this rule is essential to avoid a surge of aliens who would have strong incentives to seek to cross the border during pre-promulgation notice and comment or during the 30-day delay in the effective date under 5 U.S.C. 553(d).”

Blumenthal, et al. v. Trump

July 11th, 2019

Emoluments??? Foreign Emoluments 101

In light of the Emoluments case tossed out on standing recently, do check out this one where standing HAS been established, interlocutory appeal shot down, and onward!

Blumenthal, et al. v. Trump – info and pleadings HERE!!!

Seeking asylum is perfectly legal. Yet this administration attempts to criminalize it, to brand those seeking asylum as “criminals,” and to push them out of the country as “criminals.” This administration is also making it impossible for those charged with the work of administering asylum claims to do the job.

Here is the amicus brief of Local 1924:

2004 R-Vision Cassette

We buy almost everything on craigslist, but haven’t sold anything big before, and I can see why, what a pain. People calling, going back and forth, they say they want to come look, “Name a time” and I do and don’t hear from them again. It’s hard to respect the other folks’ place in line, so I just started letting them know they lost their place.

Enter a call to schedule time on the 4th. Sure, no problem. They’re coming from Arizona. WHAT?!?! Sure enough, they blasted into town, checked it over, signed and paid up, and rolled away. Brandon and Rachel, we really enjoyed meeting you, your enthusiasm and get up and GO is so refreshing! And now you’re gone, on your way. THANK YOU!! The women who sold us the camper said they wanted it to go to a good home, and I did too, and am so glad you came up to Minnesota!
