Speaking of pipelines… BOOM!
May 26th, 2014
Pipeline safety, and lack thereof, is an issue too. An explosion in far northwest Minnesota. Bear in mind that people who were within TWO miles were evacuated. TWO MILES. Here’s a photo from the Marshall County Sheriff, and an AP article found in the STrib:
Hollydale Order – Withdrawn with conditions
May 12th, 2014
The PUC’s Order granting withdrawal of Xcel’s Hollydale Transmission Project application, WITH CONDITIONS, just came in:
Here’s the interesting part:
The Commission requires parties seeking to withdraw filings without prejudice to demonstrate that withdrawal would not contravene the public interest, would not prejudice any party, and would not raise issues requiring Commission action.5
5 See, e.g., In the Matter of CenterPoint Energy’s Petition for Approval of a Miscellaneous Tariff Change, Docket No. G-008/M-13-333, Order Permitting Withdrawal of Filing (Nov. 13, 2013) (articulating standard).
Oh really? That’s good to know, but it’s a little different than briefing papers and initial resistance to conditions would indicate. Here’s that Order, and you can see how the “standard” was articulated:
The articulation of the standard?
The Commission finds that the proposed withdrawal does not contravene the public interest, does not prejudice any party, and does not raise issues requiring Commission action. The Commission will therefore permit withdrawal.
That’s it — no discussion in the order, just this statement!
A fracking good novel for an “on deck” read!
May 5th, 2014
A novel about fracking…
Fractures, by Lamar Herrin
It’s a beautiful day today, just had a meeting all afternoon in the park in Zumbrota, and it’s a perfect day to sit on the deck in the SUN (what a concept!) and read!
For those of us “in the middle” dealing with frac sand mining and the Bakken BOOM trains, this book is a must read, dealing with the big picture and the more mundane, how one family copes and doesn’t cope when fracking comes to their community and their land. This book is a welcome sidebar to our day to day activism.
It’s at the Red Wing library, in the SELCO system, and you can find it at abebooks.com.
100 mile garage sale along the Mississippi!
May 3rd, 2014
Again today, the 100 mile garage sale, up and down both sides of Lake Pepin! The sun peeped out a few minutes ago, so maybe it’ll be coming back.
The Humane Society of Goodhue County is having a Fundraiser/Garage sale with items for sale, animals to pet, and treats! 725 Wilkinson St , Red Wing, MN
Little Sadie, HSGC alum, says “See you along the Mississippi!” — at 100 Mile Garage Sale/Fundraiser.