
KSTP TV 5 is sitting on the street outside of City Hall and have the lights set up on the darkened lawn. They’re probably on air right now, have been walking around town with a camera this afternoon, and just before sunset I saw Gary Iocco do a drive by. What’s the big deal? Supposedly there are two voting machines here in Red Wing that aren’t working, so they’ve special ordered them to be delivered Monday. This is Red Wing, home of background checks on City candidates and the AG Opinion that told them they’re dead wrong! This is House District 28A ,one that the DFL is probably going to take, an important one if the DFL is to regain the house. And this is Hubbard’s KSTP, the Mother of All Corporate Whores, KSTP which elevated Wente’s blip about the Hatch “Republican Whore” to pseudo-news status, now I wonder… these are a lot of dots here… A Stronger America – Minnesota is dumping “hundreds of thousands of dollars” into this state to keep it from going all DFL, and Hubbard’s one of the leaders. Now his truck is outside City Hall, and they’re saying our voting machines aren’t working…

Here’s the poop from their site:

Polling machines create issues in Minnesota

Despite all the campaigning going on these final days, it won’t matter much if the voting machines don’t work.

This year, more than ever before, election officials are using new equipment to make the process go quicker and easier for everyone.

But in Red Wing, Minn., some of the advances are backfiring at the last minute.

It’s a constitutional obligation to vote Tuesday, but this year, equipment that’s supposed to make the process easier is causing extra headaches.

With just a couple of days before the polls open, Automark ballot machines are fraying the nerves of election officials in Red Wing.

There’s one in every precinct in Red Wing and in the state, designed to help disabled people would are blind or deaf vote privately, independently and easily.

But Kathy Johnson says two of them broke down and she’s still waiting on replacements that the company promised she’d get today.

“There may have been more machines having to be fixed, just from the comments they were making,” Johnson said.

The problems don’t stop there, it seems there’s technological trouble across the country as officials are trying to computerize the counting process.

This year researchers developed a virus that can reverse results in widely used diebold machines.

Diebold dismissed the study as, “unrealistic and inaccurate,” but some say without a paper trail there’s nothing to recount should something go wrong.

Meanwhile, election officials in Minnesota are hoping their Automark machines will hit the mark Tuesday.

New equipment or not, election officials in Red Wing said they’re ready to take your vote, even if they have to do it the old fashioned way.

From today’s STrib:

Fearing one party rule, business owners fund ads against Hatch

From MPR:

Suddenly campaign pits Hatch vs. Hubbard

From the Beagle, which says (AP) that Pawlenty is supposed to be in town (funny, the grrrrrls didn’t notice):

Hatch denies “whore” comment to former R-E reporter

Is anyone plotting out the locations of interest here?

Do ya think we oughtta be worried about our voting machines?

Do ya think we oughtta be worried about our elections?

Quote of the Day from Mike Hatch (via the Beagle):

“If you’re not going to have passion, you’re not going to get things changed in this country”


Republican whore?

November 3rd, 2006

Hmmmmmmm…. I would put it differently — methinks that “Corporate Whore” would be more accurate! It’s not party interests that are driving this, corporate interests are what’s at issue. Corporate interests are what’s driving the parties, large corporate interests are at stake in this election, and the truth needs to be heard. What’s the pay for a SWIFT move for waving the bone in front of the dog? That’s a sorry 15 minutes of fame and traveling the wrong way on the road to a Pulitzer! WOOF!


Most of the Excelsior Mesaba coal gasification project Surrebuttal Testimony is here, but some is just too big to upload. Dealing with Filezilla is like doing quadratic equations, it’s in that grey spongy mush area of my brain, and nothing my teenage computer geek says will convince me otherwise, most likely because I cannot understand what he’s saying (though his cogent thought in other areas gives me hope for this screwed up world), so I’ll limp along uploading what I can until I can bear to try that damn Filezilla again. Now remember, I’m the one who failed Intro Algebra 0999 at the U not once, but THREE TIMES, I don’t give up easily, and lo and behold, decades later I learned it was Northfield’s own Chris Ennis who failed me two of those times, but then, he didn’t know I knew about reactive power and I didn’t know he taught electrical engineering… the things we don’t know about people… but he makes a very good campaign Treasurer, even if he is fluent in algebra.

So enough digression, enough whining, on to posting this Excelsior Mesaba coal gasification project Surrebuttal Testimony:

Department of Commerce


(Osteraas Exhibits 11 & 14 are too large)

Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
William Blazar Testimony
Minnesota Power

Pollution Control Agency



the bus driver, the bus driver…

… the Mike Hatch whirlwind tour of Minnesota bus driver… the future Commissioner of Commerce... yeah, that’s it… Doran could whip this state into shape and get the DoC back on track. Hmmmmm… this would be a good thing. We’ll see…

… but wait… isn’t he the guy who ran his navy blue ’66 Ford Galaxie through our garage door?

Why Mike Hatch is spoiling for a fight

Tough-talking, blue-collar advocate for the “little guy” embraces his pugnacious reputation

He’s most at home with farm and blue-collar crowds, as was evident as his bus â?? owned and driven by his former DFL rival, Kelly Doran â?? pulled up outside Goodfellas bar in the Iron Range city of Eveleth.

Instead of his signature conservative blue suit and crisp white shirt, he arrived at the bar wearing a blaze orange and tan deer hunting shirt, though he acknowledged he prefers pheasant hunting.

He was accompanied by a dozen Twin Cities construction union members, decked out in orange “Sportsmen for Hatch” T-shirts and caps, who had followed his bus in a caravan of pickups and a big black carpenters union truck. The subtle message was Hatch is no liberal gun-control proponent.

When he walked into the bar, about 30 steelworkers, members of other unions and local DFL activists gave him a boisterous cheer.

He is as beloved on the staunchly Democratic Iron Range as he is scorned in many Twin Cities corporate boardrooms.

Minnesota State Rep. Tom Rukavina, DFL-Virginia, holds a milk carton with a likeness of Gov. Tim Pawlenty and tells members of the House, Wednesday, April 26, 2006, at the State Capitol in St. Paul, Minn., that Gov. Pawlenty has been missing in action on a new outdoor baseball stadium for the Minnesota Twins. (AP Photo/Tom Olmscheid) Stolen from: www.in-forum.com/…/full_photo.cfm?id=154623

Never one to mince words, hence a joy to deal with, here’s a great Letter to the Editor from Rep. Tom Rukavina, equally applicable down here in R.W. with the same endorsement — Rep. Bill Hilty has a great one against Kiffmeyer and the Duluth News endorsement of her too (click on the link for both) and for some reason, he forgot to blast for Forum’s endorsement of “Osama Bin Awada” his favorite Auditor:

Pawlenty no choice for Northeastern Minnesota

I have one question for the Duluth News Tribune editorial staff: What planet are you people living on? How could you possibly endorse Tim Pawlenty, a governor who has been a disaster for Northeastern Minnesota? (â??Retain Pawlenty for governor,â? Oct. 29)

Pawlentyâ??s cuts to local government aides have cost Duluth $15 million since 2003; close to $11 million was cut from Range cities. These cuts have led to statewide property tax increases of over $2 billion.

The governor gutted more than $49 million from the 21st Century Mineral Fund, which helps diversify our minerals based economy.

The governorâ??s â??no new taxâ? pledge increased fees by almost $750 million and his so-called â??health impact fee,â? otherwise known as a cigarette tax, adds an additional $893 million that is being paid by hard-working Minnesotans. And, why would we believe the governorâ??s promise to fund the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center? Didnâ??t he promise to do that before?

Add to this the governorâ??s cuts to education and health care and his lack of funding for transportation, and itâ??s hard to understand why anyone would want four more years of the same.

Itâ??s clear that the owners of the Duluth News Tribune, Forum Communications Company, headquartered in Fargo, N.D., have taken control over their local papers. In fact, Iâ??ve read the editorials in other papers owned by the Forum and these â??localâ? editorials are almost identical when it comes to pushing for Pawlenty.

I know the people of the Northland are too intelligent to listen to the paperâ??s new owners out in Fargo. Obvious, their loyalty to a dysfunctional Republican governor is greater than their commitment to fairness for the people of Northeastern Minnesota. I urge all of you to vote for Mike Hatch for governor. I can guarantee you that on his worst day, heâ??ll do more for Duluth and the Range than Pawlenty could ever do for us in a lifetime.

Tom Rukavina

The writer, a Democrat, represents District 5A in the Minnesota House of Representatives and is a candidate for re-election.