Updating and there’s a new “Executive Orders and Presidential Actions” page to list these.

As of January 22, 2025:

Executive Orders? Presidential Actions?

The White House site is for sure “under construction.” Earlier, when I looked at the White House page, searching for “Executive Orders” there was nothing, but there was a “Presidential Actions” page (which presumes a certain someone could act presidentially, FALSE!), and it’s gone now. I’m remembering during the prior administration, they had an Executive Order page where everything is listed, and then that disappeared.

Executive Orders posted on Federal Register – Biden’s still coming through:

Due to be published in Federal Register tomorrow, from Homeland Security:

“Designating Aliens for Expedited Removal”

Anyway, if I search for the “Presidential Actions” I do get a page headed “Presidential Actions” with a list, some are “Executive Orders” and some are “Presidential Actions,” :

Presidential Actions – UPDATED as posted 1/22/2025

A website as chaotic as this administration.

Contact the White House? HA! there is no “Contact” tab. If you plug “https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/” you get an obnoxious photo. If you search the site for “Contact” you get this:

Nothing, the form is missing. And there’s no address (The address for the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20500, USA). Click on “Privacy” and you get a long, long load of blather and no contact form or phone numbers.

So next, the White House Comment Line: (202) 456-1111 (it says to plug in two numbers, and voila, it’ll hang up on you!). White House Switchboard: (202) 456-1414 and “press 1: for the Comment Line, it’s a different recording and it’s an announcement that the line is closed and to go to the website. Right, as above.

Do you really want an answer?

UPDATE: Tried again this a.m. Tried this this Tuesday morning: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ today and it doesn’t even go to 404, just back to home page. There’s no contact form, so called the Comment Line, 202-456-1111 and as before, it says to press a random number, I do, and it hangs up. Called the Switchboard, and it’s a mobius strip. Impossible to get through to the White House. So what’s new…

UPDATE 1/22/2025: As above, White House website is worthless.

Phone: Comment Line 202-456-1414 says to plug in 2 numbers, do it and it hangs up.

Phone: Switchboard Line 202-456-1111 has 5 options:

  • Press 1 for Comment, and as above, it hangs up.
  • Press 2 for Mailing info: Gives address, leftover from Biden admin
  • Press 3 for Tour Info: Visitors Office with notice of cancellation of tours for Friday August 9. To arrange tour, call House 202-225-3121 or Senate 202-224-3121, or press 2 for staff member and it hands up. (called, they have no way to get info out, no messages, etc.)
  • Press 4 for Gifts: It’s still Biden administration, give gifts to charity rather than administration (obviously that wouldn’t be Trump admin policy)
  • Press 5 for federal info: Call 800-FED-INFO
  • Press “O” for Operator – hangs up.