FINAL Order – Grant County Solar
May 17th, 2021
The Wisconsin Public Service Commission has issued its Final Order for Grant County Solar:
Printing… 20 days to ruminate and digest and out with a Petition for Rehearing.
An indication of how absurd this decision is:
And this, where again they blow off the statute:
Reply Briefs – Grant County Solar
March 16th, 2021
The Grant County Solar project docket proceeding at the Wisconsin Public Utilities Commission is moving towards a Commission decision. Yesterday, our Reply Briefs were due:
And the Initial Briefs:
Next step in the 9804-CE-100 docket, the Decision Matrix, which we comment on. The PSC should release that soon, it’s usually right after briefing.
For the PSC’s 9804-CE-100 Grant County Solar docket, GO HERE!
For the Wisconsin Power & Light docket umbrella over SIX solar projects, including Grant County Solar, 6680-CE-182, GO HERE! We filed a non-party brief in this docket – intervention was denied:
Grant County Intervenors’ Briefs
March 8th, 2021
Whew, time to take a breather. We had two briefs due at 1:30 p.m. today, and got them filed with 1/2 hour to spare! Let’s hear it for the power of Doritos! (Only way I got through Contracts and Corporations in law school was a two-fisted supply of Doritos and Haagen Dazs)
Here are our Grant County Intervenor briefs. Here’s the one for the Grant County Solar docket focusing on the CPCN application for that one project, followed by Applicant-Grant County Solar/NextEra:
And our non-party brief in the WP&L acquisition docket for SIX solar projects covering over 5,400 acres, followed by the others:
WI Solar Application Requirements
February 15th, 2021
Solar is big in Wisconsin, as wind is in Minnesota, and like wind in Minnesota, there are no siting rules for solar in Wisconsin. A while ago, well, years ago, Jewell Jinkins Intervenors filed a rulemaking petition with the WI Public Service Commission:
Petition for Rulemaking_JJI_Solar
And lo and behold, as in Minnesota, they didn’t see any need for siting criteria and rulemaking and of course no need for rules requiring environmental review:
PSC Order_2-6-2019- Denial of Rulemaking Petition
And then yesterday, while strolling through the PSC Comment page, looking to assure that our solar docket comment option was working correctly, I found this:
WHAT?!?!?! And that was the 14th, comment period ends on the 15th! AAACK, one day.
Here’s the “Draft” of what PSC now thinks should be in an application for a solar project, and damned if it doesn’t bring up most of the issues we’ve been struggling to raise with the PSC for years now! READ THIS:
And so with nothing else to do… NOT…after getting 53 revisions of testimony and reformatting of exhibits, I got ahold of my Grant County and Badger Hollow clients and we teamed up to do comments, and I slammed this together this morning:
Do read the PSC’s proposal, it’s nothing short of amazing. The touch on all the issues, could be beefed up, but given all the difficulties we’ve had in getting issues a bit of consideration, and given the Commission’s rejection of our Rulemaking petition, like wow!!
Here’s everything filed in the docket as of today’s comment deadline:
On the other hand, their idea of who should be on the Service List is appalling, just the utility companies, municipal electric, and the usual toadies.
Earth to Mars, there are quite a few VERY LARGE solar projects going right now, how hard would it be to add all the intervenors and commentors to this list? This is 2021, the age of computers and electronic filing and hearings… JUST DO IT!
Surrebuttal Testimony in Grant County Solar docket
February 3rd, 2021
And from NextEra/Grant County Solar, LLC: