And the clown show just keeps on going, we couldn’t program or pay for such entertainment:

Putin Offers Political Asylum To James Comey, Citing Potential – NPR

Taking a time out, and internet access just isn’t so hot up here, and the insanity that is tRump, and the tRump administration, is hopping too fast to keep up with. But the trend is good, it’s getting deeper and deeper, and he can’t help himself, keeps digging his hole deeper.  What with all the formal investigations, from the House and Senate, to the FBI, to the Attorney General’s Deputy, to the HHS Inspector General, and what others?  Witch hunt my fat ass… Get over yourself, Donald, it’s not just you, clearly, there’s a big long laundry list of your administration and your cohorts who are under investigation, and you’re not the only one to be hiring private counsel, eh, Mike Pence?!?!

From the STrib:

Susan Walsh, AP

Trump confirms he’s under investigation, fires angry tweets

Can’t wait to be rid of this idiot and his cronies.


Photo/Susan Walsh)

The state of Maryland and the District of Columbia have filed a lawsuit against Donald J. Trump as President of United States:


What’s an “emolument” you may ask.  This Complaint says it all…

It’s pretty clear what the problem is, tRump has been very public about his corruption.  Read the Complaint, it speaks for itself and oh, my, it has a lot to say.


HEY LOSER — REVOKE EXECUTIVE ORDER 13780 — the “Travel Ban” or “Muslim Ban” — TODAY!

Executive Order 13769 and Executive Order 13780. are both bowsers.  Executive Order 13769 was revoked after Executive Order 13780 took effect.  How many Court Orders are needed before tRump gets the message that these Orders violate U.S. Code.  Note that in this decision, it’s all about U.S. Code, did not advance to addressing Constitutionality because it could be decided on compliance with U.S. Code — and the Court held that tRump went beyond his delegated authority.  The court found no proof of any national security rationale, no proof that people from these countries 6 (formerly 7) should be banned due to their national origin, etc.  Each of tRump’s arguments went flying out the window.



9:00 a.m. Central, 10:00 a.m. Eastern –TOMORROW, Thursday, June 8, 2017!

Here’s James Comey’s written statement published prior to the Committee hearing:


Watch testimony of James Comey, former head of the FBI, before the Senate Intelligence Committee:

In the meantime, we reached “peak tRump” back in January, just days after his coronation — since then, it’s been down in the basement. There is a trend here, shown by most recent Gallup Poll:

tRump says, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” Sure Donny…

Listening to him speak is painful.  This idiot is talking about “Clean Coal.”   Claims that the Paris Accord stops development of “Clean Coal.”  DOH, IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID!

He’s again blathering about 3-4% growth.  Delusional.

The Paris Accord hamstrings America?  The Paris Accord limits the American economy?

His points in the speech are insane.  A load of covfefe!

Here are tRumpe’s talking points handed out prior to today’s announcement:

Paris Accord_Talkers