Here’s the perjury Complaint to Dept. of Justice following Kavanaugh’s testimony:

Will anyone pay attention?

The tRump administration is at it again, this time a rule proposal from Department of Homeland Security and Department of Health and Human Services to circumvent a rule that limits detention of immigrant children to 20 days, and instead, detain them indefinitely, and to make it easier to detain families indefinitely as their cases are pending rather than release on probation.  The proposed rule is open for comment for 60 days, so due November 5 or 6, depending on when it is published in Federal Register.  Info on how to comment is below.

In Fortune:

Trump Administration Proposes Indefinite Detention of Child Migrants

Here’s the proposal, DHS Docket No. ICEB-2018-0002:

If/when adopted, the rule would terminate the Flores Settlement Agreement. From the rule:

But the practical implications of the FSA, and in particular the lack of state licensing for FRCs and the release requirements for minors, have effectively prevented the Government from using family detention for more than a limited period of time, and in turn often led to the release of families. That combination of factors may create a powerful incentive for adults to bring juveniles on the dangerous journey to the United States and then put them in further danger by illegally crossing the United States border—in the hope, whether correct or not, that having a juvenile will result in an immediate release into the United States. At the same time, the second choice—that of separating family members so the adult may be held in detention pending immigration proceedings—is to be avoided when possible, and has generated significant litigation. See Ms. L v. ICE, No. 18-428 (S.D. Cal.).

The expectation that adults with juveniles will remain in the United States outside of immigration detention may incentivize these risky practices.

Of course the practice of separating parents and children, and jailing children as they have, DOH, it would generate significant litigation.  But really, “a powerful incentive” “expectation” that to bring children with would facility entry and that’s why they’re bringing their kids? Really, drag kids along on this arduous journey as a “get out of jail free” card?  This is DHS’ position?

Read it.

You may submit comments on all or part of this proposed rule, but be specific, cite to page number, language, the more specific the better, and propose alternative language, or jettisoning of the whole damn thing.  Put the docket number at the beginning of your comment: DHS Docket No. ICEB-2018-0002

Send your comment by any one of the following methods:

Federal eRulemaking Portal (preferred by DHS):

Follow the website instructions for submitting comments.

via E-mail: Include DHS Docket No. ICEB-2018-
0002 in the subject line of the message.

By Mail: Debbie Seguin, Assistant Director, Office of Policy, U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security, 500 12th Street SW,
Washington, DC 20536.

Remember, include DHS Docket No. ICEB-2018-0002 in your correspondence.

Cohen – Criminal Information

August 23rd, 2018

For all of you wondering about the basis for Cohen’s guilty plea, here ya go, primary documentation:


This is not just about his failure to report income which avoided $1.4 million in taxes (where’s the penalties and interest?). not just about paying hush money to women, it is also about arranging media outlet “purchase” of women’s stories and then the stories were buried.  It is also about a payment of $50,000 for “tech services,” which there’s been allegations that this was for Russian hacking. An interesting read…

Keep at it, Mueller.  Follow the money!

Time off?  HA!  Haven’t had enough time off this summer!  And what with Pine Island City Council meeting about the ICE detention facility (JAIL) and success on that front, and relatives from Norway the following day who were visiting St. Olaf and us too, WHEW, busy time. Nerstrand was pretty empty, which was good, because the sites are so close together, and not much vegetation separating the sites.  From our table, there were 3 tables less than 40 feet away!  Overnight neighbors at two sites the first night, the one behind us, we could almost reach out the window and touch their big trailer.  But they left, and the nearby sites were empty after that (Ja, it’s not exactly primitive, but with screwed up back, that’s how it is!)  Joys of mid-week camping!

Love my new stove, it’s perfect!  Needs more of a wind screen if it’s super windy, and a rain fly hanging from the awning in the rain.

But glad to have a little home and office in the Big Woods.  WITH internet access in the camper this time!  Must be some new cell towers in the neighborhood.

Library Binding Little House in the Big Woods Book

ICE OUT in Pine Island!

August 22nd, 2018

Amazing.  Tonight the Pine Island City Council reversed its position and rescinded it’s previous Resolution in support of the ICE detention center proposed for Elk Run area of Pine Island.  YES!

KAAL – The City of Pine Island Rescinds Support for ICE Detention Facility

KIMT – Pine Island changes its mind on an ICE detention center

Here’s the Resolution rescinding the previous Resolution:

Here’s the original Resolution of support, boilerplate language from the proposed developers:

It’s DONE, for now.  It could come back, but methinks they understand that we’re ready!  Methinks they know what to expect if they try again!