This I gotta see… looks to me like this free marketer is painting himself into a ironic corner!

Naaaah, he’s probably headed more in this direction:

GOP Faction Wants to Change “Birthright Citizenship” Policy

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I remember from my meat hauler days spending time, long long hours of waiting, in the meat packing plants of Minnesota and Iowa, and the way from the loading dock to the bathroom was always a long scenic route through the plant. Much of my take on immigration, legal and illegal, comes from that time, as well as from Julie Bursik who was the resident expert on Immigration Law at the International Center. For those who’ve never been inside a meat packing plant, well, imagine a cold hell, with animals hanging by their feet, workers struggling to keep up with the production line, hampered in movement and protected by chainmail aprons and gloves… and out in LA when I was delivering, I’d hear the IBP ads to get workers to move to Iowa, and what the ads didn’t disclose was that the unions had been busted, workers were being imported into socially isolated trailer parks, and sometimes local rage at union busting and replacement erupted into literal flames. I’ve also had several clients who were here illegally, and I learned a lot from their travails.

What would the impact be if the U.S. really did shut its doors to the laborers that certain industries depend on? Would Pawlenty really alter that tacit corporate deal? What is Pawlenty thinking of in terms of policy that won’t have a detrimental affect on his corporate masters? Where is he going? Could it be that Pawlenty would turn meatpacking, nursery/landscaping, construction, hotel and restaurant industries on their heads — that he’d increase wages, require insurance and improve working conditions such that U.S. workers could support a family at the jobs typically filled by illegal immigrants?

Or does he propose to ease immigration requirements so they’re not “illegal?”

State ties steep costs to illegal immigration

From that article:

Pawlenty first hinted a policy move on illegal immigration after President Bush addressed the issue last week. Two days later, Pawlenty visited Worthington in southwest Minnesota, a city of 11,000 with a large immigrant population, to discuss the issue with community leaders. This week he held a similar session in Rochester, another city with many immigrants.

“We have heard a broad variety of concerns about education, health care, housing and law enforcement,” McClung said. “You cannot justify the current chaotic immigration system by saying it provides cheap labor. It creates an underground economy and opens people up to exploitation.”

Thursday’s report was produced by the Department of Administration, whose commissioner, Dana Badgerow, called its findings “alarming.”

It estimated the number of illegal, or undocumented, immigrants in Minnesota at 80,000 to 85,000, more than the numbers in at least 20 other states. An estimated 17,000 of their children cost public schools $146 million to $158 million to educate in 2004, and another $30 million went to costs for subsidized health care and incarceration for crime, the report said. “In addition, illegal immigrants arguably displace American workers, which contributes to lost jobs and wages,” it said.

Immigrant contributions

Legislation adopted in 2003 barred illegal immigrants from most health and welfare assistance, except emergency and pregnancy services, to which the report attributed an annual cost of $17.3 million. And the Department of Corrections estimated a cost of $12.8 million for imprisoning 501 illegal aliens in the year ended June 30.

An unknown portion of those costs is offset by taxes paid by illegal immigrants, the report said. About 8,000 file state income tax returns; many others don’t, but taxes deducted from their paychecks remain in state coffers.

Focusing on illegal immigrants’ costs without counting their contributions doesn’t make sense, said Jared Erdmann, co-director of Hacer, a Hispanic research organization in the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. He said a Hacer study estimated the buying power of Latinos, believed to make up the bulk of illegals in Minnesota, at $3.1 billion. Migrants, both legal and illegal, have revitalized entire neighborhoods, he added.

Here’s the link to the actual report:

The Impact of Illegal Immigration on Minnesota

And here’s another article from the STrib:

Minnesota’s illegal workers in the spotlight

Oh, ya think Pawlenty might not support wage hikes, insurance and better working conditions? Well, there was that Executive Order telling unions where to go… so what might he do that’s not a draconian and punative political liability?

Sue Moravec saves the day…

December 3rd, 2005

Following a day of coal power plant announcements, the gentle snow, dog perched over the back of the couch surveying her domain, and the smell of just arrived Costa Rican coffee and the burlap bag it came in provide a balancing quiet. The perfect touch is provided this morning by Sue Moravec, who I went to high school with a few centuries ago in a different life… hot off her keyboard providing the perfect SOL experience (that’s SNORTING). Says Sue:




The Washington Post runs a weekly contest in its Style Section called the “Style Invitational.” The requirements this week were to use the two words Lewinsky (the Intern) and Kaczynski (the Unabomber) in the same limerick. Remember, the following winning entries were printed in the newspaper.

3rd Place:

There once was a girl named Lewinsky, who played on a flute like Stravinsky
‘Twas “Hail to the Chief”
On this flute made of beef
That stole the front page from Kaczynski.

2nd Place:

Said Clinton to young Ms. Lewinsky,
“We don’t want to leave clues like Kaczynski,
Since you made such a mess,
Use the hem of your dress
And please wipe that stuff off your chinsky.”

1st Place – the winning entry:

Lewinsky and Clinton have shown
What Kaczynski must surely have known
That an intern is better
Than a bomb in a letter
When deciding how best to be blown.

I tried to find the original, but couldn’t, the Post’s site is down, hmmmmmm, according to google there’s just a lot of blogs, but I did find this bizarre link between Lewinsky and Kaczynski in the Washington Post, that the feds had actually subpoenaed bookstores!

Bookstores title fight over Lewinsky purchases

Now why would they do that? Looking for “Blue Dress for Success” books? Perhaps “Trapped in the Mirror” to learn a thing or two about cerebral and somatic narcissism? Hey, it’s a “free country!”

They’re back!

For the last week, there have been “Welcome Home” signs all over Red Wing, and yesterday yellow ribbons went up on every streetlight and phone pole and tree in town. They went through Northfield earlier in the day, reported by Scott Davis on The 434th Chemical Company arrived in town from Iraq. As I came back from a dog food run, and running the dogs, in the 45 minutes or so that I was gone, Hwy. 61 was dotted with people with big signs and flags, at one a 4×8 recycled campaign sign, “Henry says Welcome Home!” (or was it Harvey?). As I was digging around on the computer, I noticed a flash on the Red Wing paper site that they’d left Cannon Falls at 2:20, and it was 2:47, so I decided to go over to the Armory. It was quite a production, cop cars, highway patrols, at least 20 cars escorting the busses, and they alterted the dogs who said to get moving. The Red Wing fire truck had the flag held over the driveway.

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In this photo, note the woman in the center, Rebecca Leja, scanning the room with that “where are they?” look.

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But check the front page of the RW Republican Eagle for the happy reunion!

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Caption from Red Wing Republican Eagle: Rebecca Leja is reunited with her English bulldog, Gizzard, on the floor of the Red Wing Armory. The 434th arrived shortly after 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon to the joy of the soldiers and family members. — staff photo by Kevin Macdonald

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The God of Hell

November 20th, 2005


You didn’t think you were going to get a free ride on the back of democracy forever, did you?

–Welch, in THE GOD OF HELL

From Actors Studio Drama School Theatre at Westbeth

Haynes: Do you know what Plutonium is named after, Frank?. . .Pluto– the God of Hell. . .Do you know how long it remains radioactive and biologically dangerous once it’s released into the atmosphere?. . .Five hundred thousand years.

Frank: That’s a long time.

Haynes: It is. The most carcinogenic substance known to man. It causes mutations in the genes of the reproductive cells. . .Major mutations. A kind of random compulsory genetic engineering that goes on and on and on.

It was a “solar” jaunt, to Frank Theater’sThe God of Hell” at the Loring Playhouse, a bunch of solar energy fans paying homage to Pluto, and it was nothing we didn’t already know but distressing and depressing nonetheless. Thankfully, we had a productive time conspiring afterwards, and maybe a new enterprise is forthcoming… mysterious, of course, it’s all about Pluto, but stay tuned.

The God of Hell has gotten around…
Off Broadway

Welch: Don’t act so surprised, Emma. What did you expect? You didn’t think you were going to get a free ride on the back of democracy forever, now did you? Did you?! What have you done to deserve such rampant freedom? Such total lack of responsibility? Just lolling about here in the Wisconsin wilderness with your useless lumberjack of a husband, scraping the cream off the countryside. Sooner or later the price has got to be paid, don’t you think? Our day has come.

Red Wing Charter Commission

November 18th, 2005

Oh, my, look who got appointed to the Red Wing Charter Commission?!? Veektor said “GO FOR IT!” and I did… thanks for the push!

From the Red Wing Republican Eagle:

In other news:

Appointments: Council approved Mayor Donna Dummerâ??s appointment of two new Charter Commission members: M.A. Sal Baringer and Carol Overland. Their terms will expire Dec. 31, 2009.
On Oct. 24, the City Council approved two other appointments by Dummer: Bob Lewis to the Human Rights Commission and David Hallstrom to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Lewis replaces Rocky Grove, while Hallstrom replaces Lisbeth Bulter; both resigned. Lewisâ?? term expires Dec. 31, 2006; Hallstromâ??s ends Dec. 31, 2005.
Meeting watch: The meeting lasted 35 minutes. About a half-dozen people attended, plus members of Girl Scout troop 4600, who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Council member Gary Peterson was absent.
â?? compiled by Mike Longaecker, staff writer