
What’s up with Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary in Georgetown, Delaware?

Here’s a youtube before the shelter opened up:


State police were there today, animals carted off to who knows where.  The SPCA took it over, they were going down, down, down, but people were coming in to adopt animals prior to the December 1 closing and were turned away, locked out, and the police called!  Is this any way to run a rescue?

Youtube of facility under construction, nearly complete Marcy 7, 2012

Another youtube, pretty weird!

I first learned of the problems there about a year ago, and problems exacerbated last summer:

Keeping Safe Haven open goal of shelter’s restructured board

Other things online:

Animal shelter eyes east Dover location

On there’s a 10 month old Petition to US Senate, Delaware A.G., IRS and Department of Agriculture to Investigate Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary for abuse/neglect of animals, misappropriation of funds and donations and prevent recurrence of prior wrongdoings.

This place is one of those weird stories that doesn’t add up.  The 2009-2011 IRS 990s are on file, and in 2009 they had a $300k+ bank note, same for 2010, and in 2011, a $2,300,000 million loan from USDA ostensibly to build their building.  And now they’re closed?  How does that happen?  Is there any plausible explanation?  What of the Board’s fiduciary duty?

2009 IRS 990 – Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary

2010 IRS 990 – Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary

2011 IRS 990 – Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary

Here’s the thing that looked like a big warning sign to anyone who bothered to look at their 990s:

WOW! No review by the Board, no availability to the public? WTF?

More to be posted as this develops, after today’s police presence, there will probably be more in the news tomorrow…

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