
State agency frac sand meetings


The Environmental Quality Board, Pollution Control Agency, Department of Natural Resources and Department of Health are hosting meetings in Red Wing and Winona regarding implementation of the frac sand mining mandates from the last legislative session:

Red Wing
 9:00 a.m.
St. James Hotel


 1:30 p.m.
Winona State University
Tau Center Rotunda
511 Hilbert St

I’ll be in Red Wing and Winona tomorrow, on behalf of Winona County Citizens Concerned About Silica Mining, reiterating a request for an immediate ban on frac sand mining, presenting the first round of comments and suggestions for language on the EQB Standards and Criteria for frac sand mining and requests to open up the EQB Standards and Criteria meetings to public participation and comment, and to open the the EQB, DNR, MPCA rulemakings and MDH “value” development for public participation by appointing Advisory Committees for the rulemakings.

So far this has been a pretty closed process.  It’s important to register requests to open it up early on to set up the expectation of public participation.  They’re primed, but we have to make sure they “find time” for the public.

I’ve not seen much in the way of notice on this — please send far and wide to alert the troops, bring your friends and neighbors. 

This is TOMORROW!!!


9:00 a.m. in Red Wing

1:30 p.m. in Winona

Here are notice letters sent to local governments in June and July:

Silica Sand Legis Letter to LGU SEC ERA (sent June 9, 2013)

Invite Letter FINAL.Sent July 19, 2013

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