Buy the Farm bolstered, at long last
May 22nd, 2013
WOW, what a long strange trip this has been. I’ve been on this since Chisago I (1996) and Arrowhead:
Arrowhead was exempted, and hence Buy the Farm doesn’t apply, so that went to the Appellate Court, which tossed it out. And the 2001 statutory changes, which defined “high voltage transmission lines” as anything over 100 kV, meaning Buy the Farm would apply to 115 kV lines like SE Metro, and Chisago, but nooooo, can’t have that, so Sen. Metzen then amended in 2002 so that it only applies to lines 200 kV or over. GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Here’s the update in the Belle Plaine Herald (why is there nothing whatsoever in the STrib?). GRE’s Randy Fordice claims it’s vaguely worded, but I think it’s pretty specific:
All rights and protections provided to an owner under chapter 117 apply to acquisition of land or an interest in land under this section.
DOH! Vague my ass…
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