Last Mayor Egan post before Council meeting
February 11th, 2013
Here’s my latest missive to the Red Wing City Council, the final comment before tonight’s City Council meeting. CLICK HERE TO WATCH IT. We’ll be watching on the train – hope signal is good tonight!
My missive:
All –
Greetings from Chicago. FYI, I’m beginning a long planned vacation, and it’s not possible to rebook Amtrak without significant penalty, so with regrets, I will not be able to attend tonight’s meeting.
You will have some difficult but necessary decisions to make tonight.
There’s an important point I want to make about “our” Mayor Dennis Egan, and the options before the City Council. It’s not binary — it’s not either/or. Several people have said that he needs to choose one position or the other, framing it that there needs to be a choice of whether he will be “our” mayor or to represent frac sand interests. But it’s too late for that. He has already betrayed the people of Red Wing and his oath of office. He’s shown us his moral and ethical views, he’s demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to take the issue seriously, and he has shown the extent of his denial. That can’t be undone.
The issue before the council is Egan’s fitness as mayor, and not whether he should be given a choice to resign one position or the other. Whether he resigns as the “voice of frac sand” or whether he is removed from that position as the PR liability that he is, it doesn’t matter at this point if he’s no longer representing frac sand. With the facts of this issue, and with the Mayor’s behavior and public statements, the bottom line is that he can’t continue as Mayor because has shown us that he cannot be trusted to put the City’s interests first.
Mayor Egan has demonstrated that he’s not fit for office. He shouldn’t be mayor.
Not only that, Steve Murphy and I agree that this is an impermissible conflict. If Steve Murphy and I agree on something, it MUST be right!!!
Thank you for our attention to this issue. I urge you all to act mindful of the Code of Conduct for Red Wing elected officials and your oath of office.
Carol A. Overland
Vacationing in Chicago and on the way to L.A.p.s. I believe there are records of citizen complaints and comments that are missing from the packet and hope that the packets will be updated with all comments to date just prior to the meeting.
There is a lot more in the papers leading up to tonight’s meeting. I’m going to cut and paste so that when they disappear into archives, they’ll be accessible. First is the RW Beagle’s coverage:
Some citizens push for Egan to leave; he’s staying
By: Anne Jacobson, The Republican Eagle
The mayor said he doesn’t intend to resign.
The Red Wing Charter requires that five people sign before a recall committee can form.
“This has just got my blood boiling, how dare he,” Overland said.
Now from the Rochester Post Bulletin:
Our View: Red Wing mayor shouldn’t serve two masters
Posted: Friday, February 8, 2013 3:04 pm
Red Wing Mayor Dennis Egan says he doesn’t see a conflict interest between his new job as a lobbyist for the frac-sand industry and his role as an elected official.The trouble is, a lot of people do.
“In my mind, there’s not a conflict,” Egan said.
“Would I ever be a lobbyist and hold public office at the same time?” Rehder said. “No.”
And on to the letters. The next two are a hoot, because Steve Murphy and I are actually agreeing on something. As I told the Council, if Steve Murphy and I agree on something it must be right.
Letter: Council should act if Egan won’t
Shame on lobbyist-Mayor Dennis Egan. It’s time for him to resign. If not, it’s time to eject “our” mayor from office. By: Carol A. Overland, The Republican Eagle
To the Editor: Shame on lobbyist-Mayor Dennis Egan. It’s time for him to resign. If not, it’s time to eject “our” mayor from office.
Mayor Egan, resign. If not, it’s time for the city of Red Wing to act.
And now Steve Murphy’s editorial:
Letter: City painted with political disdain
The recent developments surrounding the mayor of Red Wing and his employment with the sand mining industry as a paid lobbyist are extremely troubling. It matters not how you feel about the issue of frac sand mining or the use of hydraulic fracturing to harvest gas and oil; the distressing concern at hand is both a matter of law and one of integrity. By: Steve Murphy, The Republican Eagle
Neither of these instances holds true in Dennis Egan’s case.
I have heard Egan’s reasoning for not stepping down as mayor. His reasoning is simply ridiculous.
Steve Murphy formerly represented the Red Wing area in the Minnesota Senate.
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