TANC transmission line “gasping”
July 3rd, 2009
The NYRI line in New York was turned down, PJM has eliminated the Indian River, DE to Salem, NJ segment of MAPP, and TANC is imploding before us! YEAAAAA!
This week, SMUD pulled out of TANC. What does that mean? It means SMUD is paying attention to demand and financing, YEAAAAA, and it means that over 1/3 of the project’s $$$ is MIA, YEAAAA!!!!
From the Modesto Bee:
Power project gasping for cash
Partners don’t see survival without a $525M transfusion
By Ed Fletcher
The Western Area Power Authority is a federal partner.
On Thursday, those partners grappled with questions about the project’s vitality.
The likelihood of carrying on without SMUD is “very, very slight,” he said.
Modesto had expected to pay $300 million of the total project cost, he said.
But that’s not a logical leap, said Randy Wilkerson, an agency spokesman.
“Western isn’t in the business of bankrolling transmission projects,” he said.
“There has been so much controversy with the way the scoping was handled,” Fiorini said.
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