Funny how it’s all connected…
Funny how it’s all a big game of CHICKEN!!!
… or is it a TURKEY???? … or… oh I’d better shut up…

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“Big Ag” Christian Sande v. “IATP” Mark Ritchie

Christian Sande and Mark Ritchie are both vying for the DFL endorsement for Secretary of State. Yeah, we all know that.

Mark Ritchie has been very open and proud of his tenure with IATP.

Yet I don’t hear a “peep” on Christian Sande’s site about his years as a lobbyist for Gold-N Plump and Jennie-O!

Sande was a lobbyist for Jennie-O from 12/23/99 to 9/24/04, and for Gold-N Plump from 12/23/99 to 5/9/05, and announced for Secretary of State the following week. Sande also lobbied for the Minnesota Milk Producers Association in 2001. Nowhere on Sande’s site does it state that he’s spent many years lobbying for Big Ag.

But there’s something for Ritchie to crow about — he won the DFL “straw poll” with 38% to Sande’s 16%.

Here’s Sande’s Campaign Finance Report for 2005.

And here’s Ritchie’s Campaign Finance Report for 2005.

… if I thought Sande could pull ahead, this would bother me — ties to “BIG AG” something I’d sure want to know about a candidate…

Oh, and the IATP site has a good piece headlining about arsenic in chicken — Playing Chicken.

buck-aw, buck, buck, buck, buck… buck-aaaaw

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