As the Republican National Convention fades into the distance, likely canceled due to “weather,” the “grand march” is winding up, police are tailing the students leaving Macalester, helicopters overhead, and there’s a police blockade at Smith and Grand with a couple of arrests so far…

From Uptake (video reports here) and MinnPost, here’s an interview with Dave Bicking about his daughter’s arrest. Dave Bicking, Green Party, ran for City Council last election cycle and he was a crucial player in taking down Kandiyohi’s Midtown Burner, planned for the Phillips neighborhood.

Dave Bicking: Daughter Arrested

And on MinnPost:

Police crackdown: Rolling out the raid carpet

The good news is that there was a post in Twin Cities Indymedia that Monica Bicking had been released, but now that post has vanished…

And on a lighter note, from the STrib:

Liberty Parade: Art is the messenger

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