2021 PJM State of Market Report
March 10th, 2022
Here it is:
PJM 2021 State of the Market Report
Note that where NERC does not project a significant decrease in coal production, PJM’s coal generation increased from 2020 to 2021 (now we do need to keep in mind that 2020 was a very low demand year):
Here’s an overall summary:
The big takeaway is that demand has increased over 2020, which is no surprise. Note the “Average Hourly Load” and “Average Hourly Generation” and compare with “Installed Capacity.” Capacity is essentially twice Average Hourly Load and Average Hourly generation (and note exports and imports are included).
And just for shits and giggles, here’s the PJM LOCATIONAL MARGINAL PRICING MAP!
And here’s MISO’s too:
What it looks like right now in MISO:
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