UPDATE – Just WOW! Recall ex parte missives!
August 23rd, 2021

UPDATE – 8/23/2021 – Letter from Judge Biren – Petition D-I-S-M-I-S-S-E-D:
As if it wasn’t bad enough that Kent Laugen, an attorney licensed in the state of Minnesota… oh, well, NEVERMIND, Kent Laugen is suspended for non-payment:

Anyway, it seems that Kent Laugen emailed a letter to the judge “via the Judge’s personal court email address.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, “individuals have made multiple ex parte communications with the Court regarding this case.” Oh, good idea, folks… (I can guess who a few of them are!).
Just filed by the City of Red Wing’s City Attorney:
And I quick pounded out this:
But then a little voice said to look at Kent Laugen’s MARS listing, and lo and behold, KENT LAUGEN IS SUSPENDED, NOT AUTHORIZED TO PRACTICE:

Based on this, I sent a correction, as I’d assumed, and stated, that he was a licensed attorney in Minnesota and should have known better than to send a private communication to the judge on the judge’s personal email:
Yesterday’s filings have all been accepted by the court and served on parties.
All Laugen has to do is pay up to get his license back, but maybe there are Continuing Legal Education credits needed too? We’ll see…
August 23rd, 2021 at 9:14 pm
Kent told me he purposefully let his license lapse because he retired. Just FYI.
August 24th, 2021 at 3:41 pm
I am retired. My communication was proper and not what I would consider ex parte.