Excelsior wants to claim transmission for IGCC project
January 2nd, 2008
Stolen “Fair Use” from NWS-Shreveport!
We’re in another of those confusing spots, one that leaves me wondering whether Excelsior Energy had to blow a lot of money on legal fees before the end of the year… it’s hard to find another explanation for the flurry of inexplicable activity zipping through the wires lately (see prior posts, chimp scratching). Excelsior and Xcel are fighting in the Appellate Court, see Excelsior Appeal – Statement of the Case
And then there’s the Excelsior Energy Petition under Minn. Stat. 216B.1694 where they are saying that the statute says they get transmission associated with the Mesaba Project free and clear, with no requirement of a Certificate of Need, but hey, guys, if the PPA has not been approved, and if the Chair of the Commission is saying “You’ve got to come up with something else,” and “No one wants it, no one needs it, and we’re not going to force it on anyone,” get a grip… there’s NO project, and NO entitlement… give it up…
I couldn’t let that Petition sit like the fart in the elevator so today I filed this:
MCGP Motion to Dismiss Excelsior Energy Petition re: Transmission
Now why might they want to shore up their claim to transmission for a project that doesn’t exist!
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