Badger Hollow Solar in the news!

December 30th, 2018

In today’s paper:

Rural Wisconsin county split on solar energy project that would be among largest in nation

From the article, an important part, because the PSC does not file the “Environmental Assessment” when issuing their “Preliminary Determination” letter!  People have to ASK for the EA, and then, it takes how long to get it?  COMMENTS ARE DUE JANUARY 7 ON ADEQUACY OF EA AND WHETHER EIS IS NEEDED.  Here’s the Preliminary Determination (for both dockets) stating no EIS is necessary, and the Environmental Assessment which even as PSC staff document points out significant impacts:


9697-CE-100_101 EA Appendix A v1_0


9697-CE-100_101 Environmental Assessment v37_0

A snippet from the article:

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