New coal – and the myth of growing demand for electricity
November 8th, 2005
… sigh…
Sometimes I wonder what it is they’re putting in the water, let’s pretend it’s not happening… laa la laa la laa la laaaaaaaa… Today’s an example.
First, we have three items listed in the STrib, just posted, about coal and there is not one word about Mesaba — as if hearings on the scope of the EIS for a 1,2000MW project on a greenfield site didn’t just happen:
Neal St. Anthony: Cleaning up coal — promising new, cleaner technologies
The power comes from …
The power of Powder River Basin
The Mesaba project, as proposed, is bigger than the biggest power plant in the state. Act like nothing’s happening, laa la laa la laa la laaaaa…
And then there’s these folks who keep saying that “consumption of electricity is growing rapidly.” This statement has been made by some who should know better. So if you hear anyone say that, first, know that they’ve got their head implanted, and second, remind them of the NERC 2005 Reliability Assessment, that says on p. 57:
The MRO tracks annual electricity use by both region and subregion:
â?¢ Annual electricity usage for the entire MRO region in 2004 (195,528 GWh) was 0.6% above 2003 consumption (194,286 GWh) and 3.0% below the 2004 forecast (201,605 GWh).
â?¢ Annual electricity usage for MRO-U.S. in 2004 (154,053 GWh) was 1.1% above 2003 consumption (152,310 GWh) and 3.7% below the 2004 forecast (159,932 GWh).
â?¢ Annual electricity usage for MRO-Canada in 2004 (41,475 GWh) was 2.7% above 2003 consumption (40,369 GWh) and 0.5% below the 2004 forecast (41,673 GWh).
I’m thinking that what’s happened is that we’re now facing the results of our country’s educational system. And that’s one damned depressing thought… mooooo… and the only other explanation that makes any sense is that the “consumption of electricity is growing rapidly” is the framing by manipulators for the cows to consume… moooo… burp… somethin’ about this cud leaves a bad taste in my mouth… mooooooo…
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