Sviggum — head of Labor & Industry?!?!
June 26th, 2007
Fair Use stolen from STrib – this photo captures Sviggum’s essence!
As reported across Minnesota –
In STrib:
In St.PPP:
Associated Press on Minnesota Public Radio:
Winona Daily News:
Sviggum to leave House; date for special election uncertainÂ
Gov. Palwenty appoints Sviggum Labor and Industry Commissioner
… and from the MPR page (it may be radio, but they consistently manage to capture these guys as they are! Remember that Micheletti photo???)
Here’s the most recent Overland photo of him, from the Candidate Forum in Zumbrota just before the last election:
Last but not least, here’s Sviggum with his toady Ray Cox (stolen from Ray’s site). Steve’s the guy who as Speaker sent letters threatening felony charges for serving pie and popsicles at public events, grossly misinterpreting campaign law. Ray was a benefactor of the pie letter, but in the end, Sviggum and Cox had pie on their faces:
Looking for a demonstration of his judgment and character? Check this! Is this the kind of guy we want as Commissioner of Labor and Industry?
June 27th, 2007 at 6:44 pm
Is Mr. Sviggum a friend of labor? Somehow I doubt it… They why would a DFL-controlled Senate confirm him?