FAKE NEWS again from CAE
December 15th, 2017
They’re recycling, and not in a good way. Why is the STrib facilitating this? Remember this from October?
Center of the American Experiment – Conflatulence!!
Here we go again, this time in the STrib:
The two primary false arguments:
1) Wind is driving up ratepayer cost (it’s not, it’s the return on capital expenditures).
2) Clean Power Plan and renewable mandates aren’t lowering CO2 and are driving up rates (CPP and mandates only increase “renewables” and don’t cut CO2 production, it’s a percentage change, and using least cost generation. Only reduction in burning will lower production of CO2).
3) High cost of electricity in Minnesota is connected to wind policies (When compared historically higher cost states like Illinois, yes, Minnesota’s rates are high, but it isn’t related to wind costs, wind is a least cost resource. It IS related to the shift of electricity from serving a franchise area to a market based system, and the market has spoken. When electricity can be sold for more, and where utilities have transmission build-out from any Point A to any Point B, they will sell to highest bidder. Higher priced markets will line up to buy our lower cost electricity and utilities will line up to sell it elsewhere rather than sell it for less to us, and we will have to pay the higher price to get electricity here. That’s how a market works, Econ 1001. With wholesale market deregulated, and transmission lines built, we’ve got defacto deregulation.).
And a minor but very obvious false statement:
And the shortfall in summer wind production is being backstopped primarily by coal-fired electricity.
Coal runs constantly, as does nuclear, well almost, capacity factor of 80+. But it’s natural gas, with its near-immediate ramping up that backs up wind, if generation is needed. DOH! Coal can’t get it up on command.
Why is the STrib printing this crap that is so patently false?
Here’s a good wallpaper to keep running, the MISO LMP map.
Check MISO’s real time LMP prices HERE!
See how Chicago area is cut out? That’s because it’s in PJM.
Check PJM’s real time LMP prices HERE!
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