Almost time to check back in to the “real world”
April 2nd, 2007
FYI, Salem I shut down yesterday due to low water levels. Reassuring, huh, makes me glad to be back here with a full frontal of Prairie Island.
What to do… time off and still the blog calleth!
Catching up from last week — It was a hot spring day in Delaware, the mosquitos out in full force, temp in the 70’s, hard to believe for late March, and a good day for roaming around. There’s this blacksmith shop on the main drag in Delaware City, 123 Clinton St., where years ago the NIRS “nuclear waste cask” was stored. It’s obviously run by somebody conscious, eh, and it’s worth a look see. The shop is owned by blacksmith Kerry Rhoades:
Here’s his site: Forged Creations where you can see that this is fine art in heavy metal. He’s got a entry way filled with anvils, some 300 years old, and he’s at the ready to give an enthusiastic tour. The were working on a door with iron supports and hinges, and I think a frame. Here’s a huge press that makes an impression:
The place is filled with amazing projects, ranging from functional tools to decorative fru-fru for the yard, to big, big knives…
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