ANOTHER Fukushima earthquake!
November 21st, 2016
There’s been another earthquake at Fukushima. One report says 6.8, 6.9, and another says 7.3. Aftershocks starting. Both say tsunami warnings. This is where we’ve had the worst nuclear disaster, meltdown, contamination, in history, and it’s now going to get worse.
From the Guardian, in Japanese:
Fukushima residents urged to flee as 7.4 magnitude quake in Japan
- Here’s CNN’s live broadcast, no sound sometimes.
Daniel Smith reports (UPDATE – cooling equipment back online):
Cooling equipment stopped in power plant
According to NHK, cooling equipment for the spent nuclear fuel pool in the reactor No. 3 of Tepco’s Fukushima No. 2 power plant has stopped. But the water in the pool is currently enough to keep it cool, NHK reports.
The nuclear regulatory agency says that so far, the cooling water has not leaked out, and Tepco are preparing to resume operation of the cooling system within an hour or two.
The water supply has stopped, however, the nuclear regulatory agency says that so far no abnormalities have been observed.
Japan earthquake: 7.3 magnitude quake strikes off Fukushima – tsunami warning issued
Earthquake near Fukushima triggers small tsunami and shakes buildings in Tokyo
Japan earthquake: 6.9 magnitude quake prompts tsunami warning …
Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake Strikes Off Fukushima in Japan, Tsunami Warning Issued
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