TODAY – RCLUA v. Rice County

September 23rd, 2005

Today is the hearing for the multiple Motions in the RCLUA v. Rice County lawsuit — a suit to hold Rice County accountable for compliance, in this case for its NONcompliance, with the state’s environmental rules.

I-35 Albers Park.JPG

The hearing’s at the Rice County Courthouse, at 10:30 a.m.

Here’s Rice County’s Motion to Dismiss Download file

Here’s the RCLUA Reply to that Motion Download file

Here’s Rice County’s Reply to RCLUA’s Reply to the County’s Motion to Dismiss Download file

Here’s the Rice County “answers” to RCLUA Discovery Download file

Here’s the RCLUA Motion to Compel Discovery Download file
Here we go!

But what about the people who are already here? A relevant question from today’s STrib’s editorial page:

Letters from readers
September 23, 2005 ELET0923A

All I have been hearing about is how excited the Anoka County and Blaine city officials are about possibly getting the Vikings in Blaine.

Fine. Most of them live on the other side of the city. My house is just across Interstate Hwy. 35W from the proposed site, and I have yet to be asked about it.

A stadium in what is generally a quiet residential area will totally transform our neighborhood. I can’t help but notice that while the renderings of the stadium look wonderful, our homes don’t seem to be anywhere in sight. Officials expect the area to become mostly commercial and they expect it to become commercial fast. They are practically drooling over the amount of new revenue that a stadium could draw.

But what about the people who are already here? Many of us bought our homes here because we liked the small-town feel. We don’t want downtown in our back yards; if we did, we wouldn’t live in the suburbs. I understand the financial benefits of having a stadium in the county, but do they understand the downside of living by one?

Andrea Tholkes, Circle Pines.

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