Clean Power Plan — MPCA Meetings
March 9th, 2016
Last night at the Urban League, the MPCA held a meeting, a “listening session” about the proposed Clean Power Plan as a prelude to its rulemaking.
MPCA Clean Power Plan Listening Session
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
5:30 p.m. – ? At least 8 p.m.
Cornerstone Plaza Hotel
401 6th Street S.W.
Rochester, MN
The MPCA has been holding ‘listening sessions,” a/k/a meetings, and has info on its site:
Clean Power Plan: Rulemaking in Minnesota
Here’s the federal plan, now on hold at order of the court:
Clean Power Plan (U.S. EPA)
I very much do like that they’re going forward, despite the federal stay, because it is going to take some time to ramp up efforts.
Here’s the handout I brought to that meeting. I ran out, only about 1/4 of the room covered, so that means there were at least 80 people there.
On the other hand, there are a lot of things I take issue with.
One thing that’s discouraging to me is that this is called the “Clean Power Plan” but they have not made any attempt to separate out and prohibit burning of garbage and biomass, both very dirty by any definition. Incineration must be removed from the definition of “renewable.”
Another issue is that they’re NOT going to put together a rulemaking Advisory Committee, as provided by statute. I asked about this last night and they verified it.
Instead, what they’re doing is gathering the same ol’ same ol’ folks in an informal process, and they’re not going over a proposed rule prior to its being sent to the MPCA head (remember, there is no Citizens Board thanks to certain MN legislators) for release, and when it’s released, it’s too late for substantive changes. The MPCA was part of the crew, with DNR and EQB, that so badly mangled that silica sand rulemaking (ummmm, whatever became of that, anyway?). This does not bode well.
So now, on to tonight’s meeting, gotta do some prep.
And yes, that’s Frank “Coal Ash” Kolasch presenting. What a moniker!
Tonight’s gathering starts at 5:30 p.m. or so with an open house (coffee & cookies), and the presentation and “listening” starts at 6:30 p.m.
MPCA Clean Power Plan Listening Session
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
5:30 p.m. – ? At least 8 p.m.
Cornerstone Plaza Hotel
401 6th Street S.W.
Rochester, MN
Be there or be square!
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