Threats on facebook, a local arrest
December 7th, 2015
What’s a terroristic threat? What’s a crime committed in furtherance of terrorism?
Minn. Stat. 609.713 Threats of Violence
Minn. Stat. 609.714 Crimes Committed in Furtherance of Terrorism
Where’s the line on vitriol? I’ve been seeing a lot of ugly stuff on the internet, even two Faux “analysts” were suspended for their nastiness, though with Faux, it seems “profanity” is the issue:
Fox suspends analysts for vulgar language in commentaries about Obama
The racists who shot the #blacklivesmatter protesters were sure a lot worse than this guy below in their youtube and online comments, eeeeeuw. They were charged with 2nd Degree Riot.
So anyway, here’s the guy from Pine Island, arrested after showing off his IQ, charges of threats of violence with intent to terrorize, and threats of violence with display of a replica firearm (yes, a replica is listed under terroristic threat statute), and minor drug charges:
Police: Pine Island man arrested after threatening to go “intern hunting.”
And in the STrib:
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