e21 Planning Meeting announced
February 13th, 2015

The meeting details:
2:00 p.m. on Thursday February 26, 2015
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
121 – 7th Place East, Suite 350, Large Hearing Room
St. Paul, MN 55101
Here we go — the PUC has announced a “planning meeting” for this e21 Initiative based on the filing of Xcel Energy last month. What filing? Well, this one:
Here’s what the PUC says they’re going to do at that meeting:
Why is the Commission going along with this to the extent that they are? Well, they do have connections, and for sure PUC Commissione Nancy Lange, who is listed as Advisory Committee on the Citizens League e21 promotional group, should NOT be participating at the Commission, in discussions or by voting (see Appendix B, p. 1, of the Citizens League Policy Framework to Optimize Efficiency of the Electrical Energy System_Phase2):
Citizen’s League’s mighty presumptuous charge from this report, to recommend e21 and draft legislation!!!
And remember, Xcel, in its letter they asked the Public Utilities Commission for a meeting:
Throughout this e21 filing they say, repeatedly, that this is a “package,” and the consensus depends on this being a “package,” which is reminiscent of the “it’s a deal, a package deal, and it’s a good deal” of the 2005 Transmission Omnibus Bill from Hell. We saw how that “good deal” worked, how it worked for the public, and who it was “a good deal” for. Disgusting…
But that big red flag is not all — they also asked that no Comment Period be scheduled:
Thus, we respectfully request that the Commission delay initiating a comment period to allow for additional collaboration prior to the start of a formal proceeding.
Really! Because clearly some stakeholders are more stakeholders than others, I filed a Petition for Intervention to get a foot in the door and notice of festivities:
So if you’re wondering what all this means, that it’s a little obfuscated between the lines, come on down to the Public Utilities Commission Planning Session. If you want to make comments either file them or bring written ones to hand out, because there’s no set time for public comments:
2:00 p.m. on Thursday February 26, 2015
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
121 – 7th Place East, Suite 350, Large Hearing Room
St. Paul, MN 55101
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